"This is gonna hurt but,do you trust me?" "No."

10 0 0

When I open it,it was Nana and Hanz.

"Ahh,hai." I said awkwardly.

"Hey,since you help us with groceries today. Why don't you come over and join us for dinner? Hmm?"

I look at Hanz,and he was holding his laughter.

I smiled at Mrs.Rivero. "It's alright Nana,probably some other time. I'm really busy."

"C'mon...Do it for Nana."

"It's really fine. I just ate,before we went to the supermarket."

"Can't Nana persuade you to come?"

"It's alright,maybe some other time."

Then she walked out,with a frown on her face.

"Why won't you accept? She cooked extra batch just so you could eat. You're being heartless " Hanz asked.

"I don't want you to be angry at me." I said honestly.

"B-because of what I said? Jeez. Then...come to the dinner. Tell her you made up your mind,if you don't want me to be angry at you."

"But you told me never to come back."

"Are you coming to the dinner or not?!"

"I am! I am!" I just closed the door,and I run up to Nana.
"I changed my mind. Let's go eat some dinner."

When we arrived,Sky pounced onto me.
"No! No! No! No! No! Sky---" I was about to fall when someone caught me.
And we both fell on the ground.

"Fuck." I heard him cursed.

" Are you alright? I'm sorry."

He was holding his bleeding hand.
"I grab a hold on the tree,didn't know there's a torn."

"Oh gosh! Let me fix it up."

"It's alright."

"It's my fault,let me fix it up. Please?" I ask hoping he'll agree.


I look up to him,and he gave me his hand.
I smiled.

"Auntie,can I borrow your first aid kid?"

"Here." Ken said giving me the first aid kit.

We sat on the stairs.
"I'm really sorry,Sky just pounced onto me."

"It was an accident,it's fine."

I clean up his blood with an alcohol.

I touched his palm,and it has a torn in the middle of his wounds.
"This is gonna hurt but,do you trust me?"

"No." He said coldly.

"Tsk." I was about to let his hand go.

"Just joking." Hanz said messing up my hair.

I grab a twizer (wrong spelling). XD
I hold his injured hand.

I squeezed the twizer in the middle of his wounds.
I can see him,easing the pain. He's bitting his lip,closing his eyes while tightly gripping on my arm.

"Sorry hanny,this won't take long."

When I grab a hold of the torn,I pull it right out without any warning.
Then blood came oozing out.

His head fell on my shoulder.
I stopped breathing.
He was so close to me.
I stopped,wondering what to do.

"Do you plan on making me bleed to death?"He whispered.

I snapped back to reality.
I clean up his wounds,and wrapped them up in the bandage.


He lift his head. "Oh,t-thanks."

"Lovebirds,ready to eat?" Papi asked.

"We're not lovebirds! She's not even my type." He said.

And I just smiled,I know.
I was sitting down,when Kendrick pull me to the bathroom to help him reach for the sink.

I was smiling.

"Sis,are you alright?"

"Yes,baby. Why?"

"Cause you were dancing at your house,and brother just keep laughing on you."

I stopped. "You can see me? He saw me?"

"Well,yes. The window in your room,allow us to see you. "

"I knew I should have brought that black curtain." I stopped and sat on the toilet.

"I'm done! Let's go."

"Kendrick... Can you let your mom know,I have a stomachache and I can't eat. I need to go home."

Kendrick nod.

"Mom! Marie said she had a stomachache and need to go home!"

I was sneaking out of the door,when Sky grab my shirt.
"Sky! Let go! I need to go home!"

"Nonsense,we have medicine for stomachache." Nana said grabbing the medicine.

"Uh,about that. I still have 2 thesis paper to pass tommorow. Sorry Nana,but I really have to go. Bye!" And I run out .

When I got home,I grab my black jacket.
And put it over my window.

I should die of humiliation.

I can't believe he can see me,all this time?

For Rivero's Heart ❤️Where stories live. Discover now