Ch.12 On to the emergency room!!!

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Steve stood outside of the lab with Nick Fury while Stark and Natasha got Raven ready for transport to the hospital. “How did this happen" he demanded. “How did one of my best and by far the youngest of my agents end up shot twice." He said turning to Steve.

“She went to stop Loki and on her way off the hover craft Loki shot at her." Steve replied solemnly. Fury let out a sigh and went into the room leaving Steve standing there. 

Natasha looked up and went to stand out side of the room with Steve. “He cares a lot about her, Raven's well being means a lot to him." She said still facing the glass. Inside the room they could see The Director talking to Raven as Stark scurried around getting her comfortable for the ride to DC.

When he came out he said his goodbyes and said he would see them in DC, and then he left. A few agents came down to help get Raven on the jet and settled. Bye the time they took off Raven had fell asleep and now it was okay because she had a heart monitor on.

The whole ride Steve had his hand in her hand, while he watched over her closely. When they landed in they were separated and Steve was forced to stay in the waiting room. Every time he got up to pace the nurse at the reception desk glared at him.

After an hour Natasha came back with some clothes for him to change into.  Finally after a couple of hours of waiting the doctor came out with a grim look on his face. Steve was the first to get up and met him halfway.

“We were able to stop the bleeding but we need to get her to surgery to repair the damage."The doctor said. “Can we see her?" Steve asked nervously. “Are you family?" the doctor asked. “Yes were her brother and sister." Natasha said butting in. Steve held his breathe as the doctor agreed and let them through.

“Did you have to lie?" Steve whispered to Natasha so the nurses wouldn't here. “Yes I did they wouldn't have let you in if I hadn't." Natasha whispered back as they navigated throughout the busy hospital halls.

When they reached the room Raven was in the nurse looked up at them a bit surprised, but quickly went back to her work. Steve walked to one side of the bed and Natasha to the other. “She is awake so you guys can talk to her, but it will be a little hard for her to reply back." the nurse told them.

Steve looks down at Raven while Natasha whispered words of encouragement to her. She was now in a hospital gown, and had her hair back in a messy bun. Steve cringed when he saw how many wires where in just one of her arms.

“They want to keep me awake during surgery, so that they know that I'm not suffering from paralysis." She said all of the sudden. They're going to dig into my back with knives..." She said with a grin.

Steve couldn't help but smile back at how she could stay so positive. “You'll be fine. It's not like you didn't jump off the side of a ten story building today." Steve said grinning down at her. “We have to go before we get kicked out but we'll be here when you wake up." Steve said squeezing her hand lightly.

As the nurse shooed them out she raised her hand slightly to wave goodbye. The nurse went back to her work checking her vitals and doing tests that were "necessary" and then she got ready for surgery.

Raven's POV

I woke up to an unfamiliar place. As I moved my head to the side I realised I was no longer on the plane and Steve wasn't with me. Then I felt a sharp prick on my already injured back. I protested in anger, as the doctor realised I was awake. “Good your awake, now can you feel this?" the doctor asked picking my foot with a needle. “Yes and that hurts?" I wailed in confusion.

“I know and I'm so sorry, but we need to know if you can still feel your legs." the doctor called from my feet. From what I could see turned on my side nurses were every where, a bunch of doctors were moving my limbs around and calling out thing to the others.

The confusion was just to much for me and I burst into tears. For the second time that day I was crying my eyes out. I fell from a building got shot fell another fifty feet and I was now being poked and prodded like a test monkey.

One nurse noticed my confusion and came to sit with me. “Hun I know this might be hard but we need to do this." She said in a motherly voice. I nodded my head in understanding. “How old are you?" She asked gently. “Nineteen." I whispered. “Nineteen that's the same age of my granddaughter. What's your name." She asked again. “Raven." “Just Raven?"She asked and I nodded my head. “Well that's all right." She said kindly. “Okay two more questions. “Where are you from?" I hesitated but I replied anyways. “Russia." I said in a small voice. “Okay"she said nodding. “And are your parents outside?" I shook my head quietly. She stood up and left but not before smoothing my hair back for me.

After being poked and prodded for another 30 minutes the doctor came nd told me what they were going to do. I would be going in for surgery, but I would have to stay awake for it. They wheeled me into a prep room. They had me sit up, while the man put a needle into my back.

The anesthesiologist was a nice guy he joked that his pregnant patients were always requesting him. When he saw the tattoos on my back I could tell he was surprised. “Where did you get all these tattoos?" “Oh those old things," I said waving my hand. “I got those the day I graduated."

I explained the meaning of the Chinese symbols running up and down my back, Then I explained the Dragon running along them. The Dragon symbolized that there was always a bigger story behind a person's past. I think I shocked him into silence when I explained my tattoos.

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