Not an update

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Hey guys not an update but I just wanted to let you guys know that I won't be updating for a little. For the weekend my family will be in Paris, France for vacation. Well actually I'm here right now.

Surprisingly French is harder to learn that German and Russian. I don't know it's weird. Well I'll be out and about tomorrow. I'm going to the Arc De Triumph I think that's how you spell it.... And I'm going to the Eiffel tower.

If you guys ever get the chance to visit you have to ride on the Ice Train. From Ramstien Germany, to Paris France it's about two and a half hours. Very cool views and the train goes really fast.

Right now I'm fighting with my pesky little brother... He won't stay off my side of the bed. The kid like to cuddle in his sleep and I like to kick and toss and turn.

My older brother said that sharing a bed with me when I was younger was torture. It got to the point where he would sleep on the floor and let me have the bed.

Anyways I'll start on the chapter Monday morning and have it up probably later that night.

We walked halfway around the city looking for a tea store when we figured out that it was right around the corner from the metro station.... And then my younger brother had to go to the bathroom, even after we asked him if he needed to go right before we left.

Can't wait to see more of Paris! I'll see you later.

(A couple days later)

So I am back but I won't update for a couple days. I'm just going to sleep and catch up on emails and finish writing.

Paris was beautiful and fun. And if you ever get the chance to go I would travel by metro. It's Paris' equivalent to a NYC subway. Just way nicer and cleaner. The tickets are super cheap, and you can buy them in bulk for like 13 euros. It will save you alot of time and money.

And you will most likely be doing alot of walking so bring good shoes. The only complaint that I have is when you go to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa it's alot of aggressiveness just to snap a photo. I mean yeah once in a life time chance to snap a pic but hounding need to push and shove. There were little kids getting pushed and trampled all because of a picture!

That just wasn't a good experience for me. I'm usually all for peace but the second you mess with a person who can't defend themselves then we're going to have a problem.

We went to the Notre Dame too and we actually arrived during mass. And I felt extremely bad because one I'm not very intune with my religious side but I know that it's very disrespectful to be taking pictures and be touring around the place while mass is going on.

I don't know it just felt wrong, and on top of that people were talking and conversing with each other... I don't know.

Anyways if you like New York you love Paris! Just know there are alot and I mean alot of mopeds there so just watch out for that.

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