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The rest of the day passed by with relatively little 'bumps', as Sami called them, and by 3:00 I was ready to go home.

Except I had detention. Fuuuuuuunnn.

I threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked to Mrs. Robinson's room, where she and Calum were waiting for me.

"Late again, Ms. Martin." Mrs. Robinson said as I dropped my bag on the ground. "Don't continue this habit." I nodded and leaned up against a lab desk.

"So, not to be rude, but why are we here?" Calum asked, and I shook my head.

"We have to do some task for the teacher, usually." I explained. "How do you not know what detention is?" He shrugged.

"Quite right, Ms. Martin." Robinson said. "You must be a detention regular."

I smiled. "They should hire me to the janitorial staff, with all the work I've done around the school."

She cracked a smile, and pride welled up inside me. I wasn't really a nerd, although I got good grades, but everyone likes to have the teacher on their side.

"Well, today you and Mr. Hood will be scrubbing desks." I sighed; least favorite job ever. "I'll be back by four." she added, and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"She can't do this!" Calum cried. "This is like... like slavery!"

I snorted. "Better get used to it, pretty boy, 'cause you're gonna do all of it."

"It's half your fault too." he said.

"What, half my fault that you hit on me and then called me a slut? 'Half my fault', my ass." I snorted, and turned away. After a few minutes, I felt his arm around me.

"'Maya, I'm sorry." he said quietly. "I think we really got off on the wrong foot."

"Save your apology until after we clean the room." I said, interrupting him.

"Why?" he asked, clearly confused.

I smirked. "Cause if you start being nice, I'll feel bad that you cleaned the whole room." He looked at me outraged, and I laughed, tossing him a Brillo pad and a rag. "Get to work, Hood."

*              *              *

After a few minutes of sitting cross-legged on a desk, playing 2048, I got bored. So I decided I could help Calum... just a little. It wouldn't really derail my revenge plan, would it? So I grabbed the other Brillo pad and rag and got to work, grabbing my iPhone and playing All Time Low at a low volume. Backseat Serenade came on and I smiled, scrubbing a little harder as my favorite song played. 

"Backseat serenade, dizzy hurricane, oh god I'm sick of sleeping alone..." Calum sang, and I turned to him, shocked. 

"You listen to ATL?" I asked, and he laughed. 

"Maya, I don't live under a rock." he said, and continued to sing. He was quite good. 

"You're a pretty good singer." I told him. 

"Thanks." he said, shrugging. "I'm in a band with Luke, Michael, and Ash." 

"Michael's the one with the green hair, right?" I asked. 

"Yeah, but he's probably going to change it soon." Calum said. "It's been almost a month and he doesn't like to stick with a color nearly that long."

I laughed. "So, you sing in this band, I guess."

He shook his head, scrubbing away at a particularly tough piece of gum. "Nah, Luke's the lead singer. I play bass and I sing harmony, a little." 

"You like music?" I asked. He gave me a look that was almost condescending. 

"Yeah, Maya. I like music. And puppies, and kittens, and sex. Who doesn't fuckin' like music?" he asked. 

"Good point." I said, and he nodded. 

"My points usually are pretty good." he said, waggling his eyebrows. 

"I have no idea how you managed to turn that into a sex joke, but you did." I said, and then smiled. "Y'know, for a perverted liar, you're really not that bad." I told him. 

"Y'know, for a stuck-up prude, you're really not that bad." he said, imitating me. I felt myself smile, even though he insulted me. God, what was with me and this boy?

"Alright, manwhore." I tossed off with only a 2.5 second pause, and he laughed out loud, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Maybe you and Sami should sit with us at lunch tomorrow." he said. 

I raised an eyebrow. "What, so you can pull another move again? No thanks."

"Whoa!" Calum said, putting his arms out in defense. "Where'd 'fun Maya' go? The girl who talks about ATL and calls me a manwhore? Where's she hiding?" I giggled a little, covering my mouth to hide the laughter. 

"I'm kidding." Calum said. "But seriously, come sit with us. Maybe 'fun Maya' will make another appearance, and there could be a chance at friendship here."

"Really?" I said, acting offended. His eyebrows crinkled. 

"What'd I do this time?" he asked miserably. 

"Nothin'." I said with a smirk. "I just thought, y'know, that we already were friends." 

He grinned, and those warm brown eyes twinkled. "Then sit at lunch with me, Maya, my bestest friend." 

"Well, how can I not accept that invitation?"


yo yo yoooooooo

i'm baaaaack

so calum and maya are sort-of friends

how are you liking the story? pls comment and vote 

my atl reference is on point is it not

ok bye ily and all that jazz

xoxo lily

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