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You could say all the bad things you want about Kennedy Robinson (and believe me, there were many) but you could not deny that the girl could throw a damn party. We pulled up when the party was always in full swing. People were milling around on the lawn and there were flashing lights and blasting music. I held on tight to Calum's arm as we walked into the party (rager? probably). It was partly the heels, but partly because of the tugging in my stomach that made me want to be close to him. There were a couple boys lounging around on the front steps, red Solo cups in their hands. As Calum and I walked by, they wolf-whistled and hooted. It took me a minute to realize they were talking about me.

"Hey, babe, come give me a piece of that," one boy called, smirking.

"Yeah, I'd tap that," another added.

"Yo!" Calum yelled at the guys. "Back off her." He stepped in front of me, guarding me from the drunks, who I was pretty sure were harmless.

"Whoa, bruh, we just came here to party," the first guy slurred.

Calum stepped away and sighed, grabbing my arm again and pushing into the party crowd.

"Calum!" I heard a squeal, and my heart dropped. We turned around, slowly. Kennedy stood there, in a gold dress and black heels. Her dress was shorter than mine (something I hadn't thought possible until now) and she was wearing perfume that made the entire party smell like Essence of Whore. But she still flipped her hair, smiling brightly at Calum. "Oh, and Maya," she added, making my name seem distasteful and gross.

"Oh, hey Kennedy," he said, uncomfortably.

"Do you like my dress?" she asked, pulling herself closer to him, rubbing up against him. I stifled a laugh as Calum tried to squirm away from her.

"Yeah, yeah, it's really great," he said quickly, getting out of her grasp. She pouted her pink lips, blinking sort of seductively at him.

"Well, I--" she started, but Calum interrupted.

"Bye Kennedy!" he yelled, and we escaped as the crowd swallowed us up. He turned to me as people surged around us. "Glad we lost her. Honestly, that dress was ugly as shit."

I smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek. "You're the best, Cal," I said, smiling at him.

"I know," the boy said, smirking. "Now come on, let's actually have fun." We started to walk towards the keg, grabbing two cups from the stack on the way. I noticed a girl out of the corner of my eye, dancing on a table in only a bright pink lacey bra and black underwear. She was obviously completely trashed.

"Oh my god!" I gasped.

"What?" Calum asked, pulling me closer to him protectively.

"See that girl on the table?" I said, pointing. He nodded. "That's Margo Jackson."

"The kiss-ass in our Chem class?" he asked disbelievingly, and I nodded. "Well, damn," he said, "she's got skills. Never would have pegged her to win 'Most Likely to become a Pole Dancer' in superlatives."

I laughed. "Hardly think the yearbook staff would make that a category, Cal." I handed him my cup to fill up. When he handed it back to me, I took a small sip, then grimaced. "Ugh, I hate this stuff," I said, trying to forget the taste in my mouth.

"You hate beer," Calum said. "God, you're weird. Why are you drinking it?"

I shrugged. "Sometimes you just need a buzz." Suddenly, the crappy top 40 pop that had been playing screeched to a stop. You could hear everything; confusion, laughing, typical party sounds. Then, a familiar redhead took the stage.

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