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A complete waste of my time. I could be doing something else then go to school.


I hated it, completely and I hated being captain even more because then all of the players look up to you and expect you to just be great all of the time. They expect you go to every party. They expect you to be that cliched high school football captain. The one that sleeps around with everyone, the one that's focused on football and only football, the one that doesn't care about others.

I have nothing in common with those players except; I don't care much for others and I'm dating the "most popular" girl in school.

Haliee Marie Tomas.

My girlfriend who I care nothing about.

Hailee is the definition of a "queen bee". Everyone "adores" her, but she doesn't give a shit. The only thing she cares about is; cheerleading, her "reputation", what's currently trending, and money. We're complete opposites, which is why we have a on/off relationship just about every week.

I live with my friend Nicholas, who likes to go by Ace. We've been friends since kids. Our parents couldn't handle us and the trouble that we brought. Ace's mother had told my mother that she was moving Ace into a house by himself as soon as he hit sixteen. My mother said that was a good idea and to get a big enough place for him and I. So as soon as we hit sixteen, we were moved out and on our own. 

Once I heard Ace's music, I knew it was 7:45, which meant it was time to get up.

School resumed today and I wanted to do nothing more than stay in bed and sleep, but I did have plans for after school and I knew I needed an education so I can reach my plans.

Twenty-six minutes later, I was dressed in Black Ripped Jeans, a plain black shirt with my black leather jacket and combat boots. I was sitting on the back porch with a blunt between my fingers when Ace came through the doors.

"Wassup?" Ace said while reaching for the lighter and blunt.

"What up." I replied with a nonchalant tone.

He lit the other one and took a big hit.

Ace and I weren't completely different but at the same time we were. Ace liked the trends, the sports, the tattoos, the ladies (or bitches), and etc. Me on the other hand, I liked; the trends (sometimes), the tattoos, the drinks, the bitches, and et cetera.

In all honesty, if we never would have grew up together, I wouldn't have even given him the time of day. I think the only thing we really have in common was the fact that we had similar attitudes; we don't give a shit. If we didn't have that in common, we wouldn't be friends.

We finished the blunts and headed out the front door with our bookbags. While I had a motorcycle, Ace had a Mercedes.

"I'm going to stop by the twin's house real quick, I'll meet you at school." He said before sliding into his car.

"Aight." I replied while climbed onto my bike.

We started our engines and I pulled off first, going left while he went straight.

It didn't take me long to arrive at the school, so when I pulled up, the few students that were outside looked at me.

I hate that.

Students stop and stare like I'm fucking royalty or something, it's annoying as hell.

I cut the engine to my bike and got off of it. I headed into the school that had the hall full of teens greeting their friends that they haven't seen in three months. I headed into the courtyard where my girlfriend was waiting for me with "our friends".

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