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Ella | Home

"Coming!" I said, jogging to the door.

It's Thanksgiving! Which means its the day where we give thanks and be surrounded by our loved ones while stuffing our faces with as much food as we can.

I was excited not only because I get to spend thanksgiving with Kelly, Gracie, Grayson, Ace, Lily, Kenzie and Blake but my parents are also coming home today. I haven't seen them since June when they bought me my car. I was excited to see them again, even if I'm not the favorite child.

I opened the door to reveal Kenzie and Kelly who I'm guessing rode here together.

"Happy Thanksgiving guys! C'mon in!" I said, walking away from the door and heading back into the kitchen where the ham sat on the stove.

"We brought some dessert and turkey." Kenzie said, coming into the kitchen with Kelly behind her, agreeing silently.

"Okay awesome! Just put them on the counter over there. Is it already cooked or..?" I said, trailing off as I put some more sauce on the ham.

"The turkey is already cooked, just need reheating." Kenzie said.

"Okay, I'll go ahead and put it in the oven when the ham is almost done." I said, sliding the ham back inside.

"Okay, I'm going up to Gracie's room." Kenzie said.

"Okay." Kelly and I said in unison.

As Kenzie walked off, Kelly sat at the island.

"Hey, Ella?" She asked, placing her LG on the island in front of her.

"Yeah?" I asked, uncovering her dessert.

It was delicious brownies, I couldn't wait to devour them.

So, do you want to slip some weed in it?

Shut up, that was a low point in my life. Leave me alone.

"Um, thanks for inviting me." She said, nervously.

"What? Of course. Its Thanksgiving for Christ sakes. I wasn't going to not invite you, you're my bestfriend." I said, grinning at her.

Kelly is my bestfriend and I wouldn't trade her for the world. Not even my siblings.

"I know what I'm thankful for." She said, grinning.

"Ooo, do tell." I said, plopping on the stool across from her.

"Nope. Only when it's time to say what we're thankful for."

"Fine." I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

"So is Blake coming?"

"Yeah. He's coming with Ace and staying for a few days." I said, getting up. "I'm going to my room, coming?"

"Yeah." She said, following me up the steps and into my room. "So how long is he staying?" She asked, sitting on my couch as I plopped on my bed.

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