Chapter 4

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I ate three cupcakes and now I feel like I'm gonna explode😬 You're welcome for this wonderfully random fact about my day

"Wake uppp!" Jade jerked awake as Lily jumped on top of her, yelling at the top of her lungs in Jade's ear. "Aah!" Jade cried in surprise as she rolled out from under Lily and on to the floor. "What a wonderful way to wake up," Jade grumbled, rubbing her backside. Lily was in a fit of laugher on the bed. "Have fun laughing, I'll be in the kitchen," Jade mumbled, getting to her feet and trudging into the kitchen where Perrie was humming as she flipped pancakes. 

"Good morning Jade!" Perrie said cheerfully as Jade slowly made her way over to her. "Coffee," Jade grunted. "Oh, so you're one of those people," Perrie responded, shooting Jade a playful grin. Jade groaned and slumped onto one of the bar stools, wincing as her backside made contact with the stool. "Oh no, what happened to you now?" Perrie asked, turning off the stove and putting the pancake that was cooking onto the plate with the rest. 

"Your wonderful daughter decided to scare me awake. I screamed and fell off the bed, landing square on my ass," Jade replied grumpily. "So you really need coffee, you're a monster in the morning," Perrie replied lightly. Jade rolled her eyes. "What kinds of coffee do you have? I can make it myself," she said. "No, this is my house and you're the guest. Besides, you really shouldn't put that much weight on your ankle, judging by the amount you put on it yesterday," Perrie replied. 

"Fine," Jade said, putting her head in her hands, wondering if she could possibly doze off for a couple more minutes. Suddenly the inviting smell of the coffee invaded her nostrils and Jade's head snapped up to see Perrie holding a mug of coffee in front of Jade. "Here you go," Perrie said cheerfully, placing the mug in front of Jade on a coaster. "So you're one of those people," Jade said, gulping half the mug of coffee and suddenly feeling better. "Whatever do you mean?" Perrie asked. "You use coasters because you don't want rings on your tables," Jade replied, shooting Perrie a smirk.

"I actually use the coaster to block the heat coming from the mug so it doesn't leave a heat mark on the table," Perrie replied, her back still turned as she poured syrup onto a white pouring pot decorated with pink and blue flowers painted onto it. "You're being a little extra, don't you think?" Jade asked as Perrie disappeared for a minute then came back empty handed. "You deserve a nice breakfast since it's your first time here," Perrie replied. 

"Uh-huh," Jade rolled her eyes and slid off the bar stool and trailed into the living room, gripping her mug of coffee as she plopped down on Perrie's plush couch. "I'll call you in when breakfast is ready!" Perrie's voice came from the kitchen. "Fine by me," Jade called, leaning back against the couch and sighed, taking a sip from her coffee. "This coffee is great," Jade muttered, swirling the coffee around in the mug as she stared at it. 

"Breakfast is ready!" Perrie called, her lovely voice snapping Jade out of her coffee induced trance. "Gotcha!" Jade said, standing up and walking out of the living room, only to be stopped by a hand on her chest. "Stop, I have an idea," Perrie said, her blue eyes flashing mischievously. "What are you going to do?" Jade asked. "Just stand still," Perrie ordered. Jade did as Perrie said, and suddenly a piece of fabric was tied around her head. "Okay, I can't see!" Jade exclaimed. "That's the point," Perrie's voice replied. 

Jade felt a pair of warm hands close around her wrists and gently tug her forward. "For the record, Lily approved of my idea," Perrie said, and Jade could hear the smile in her voice. "Of course she did," Jade grumbled. "I sure did!" Lily's voice piped up somewhere on Jade's left. "Nice," Jade replied, forcing a smile on her face. "See, look mommy! Jade's happy!" Lily exclaimed, and Jade could imagine her bouncing up and down. That put a real smile on Jade's face. 

"Okay, we're here," Perrie said and Jade felt Perrie's hands leave her wrists. Jade immediately missed the warmth of Perrie's hands, but that thought was completely forgotten once Perrie removed the blindfold. Jade's jaw dropped as she took in the beautifully decorated scene before her. "What do you think?" Lily asked enthusiastically, rocking back and forth on her feet. Jade was speechless. 

The long wooden table was draped with a lacy white tablecloth, and plates, bowls and cups with the same design as the pouring pout were laid out on the table. Pitchers full of orange juice and  iced water were placed with the center of the table along with the stack of pancakes and a plate of bacon and sausage. "Perrie ... how long have you been up?" Jade asked in awe. "Since 7:00," Perrie replied, stifling a yawn. "You've been up for over two hours?" Jade said. Perrie nodded. 

The breakfast was delicious. The pancakes were light and fluffy, and Jade felt like she could float away, they were so amazing. The bacon was crispy, but Jade didn't try any of the sausage. She was too full. But of course, when would a meal with Lily Mae Edwards go completely without a problem of some sort?

"Mommy, are you an' Jade in love?" Lily asked suddenly. Jade choked on the pancake in her mouth as Perrie spit out the water she was drinking all over her meal. "W-what would make you say that Lily?" Jade asked, finally swallowing the bite of pancake in her mouth. "I went into mommy's room last night because I couldn't sleep and I saw you an' mommy cuddling," Lily explained, grinning. 

"Oh, um ... " Jade muttered, looking over at Perrie. Her cheeks were as red as Jade felt her cheeks were. "Lily, Jade and I are only friends," Perrie replied after a minute if uncomfortable silence. "Then why were you cuddling?" Lily asked. "I-I was having a ... nightmare," Jade said slowly. "Oh! OK, mommy you are very nice to let Jade cuddle with you," Lily giggled. "Thank you Lily," Perrie replied, looking over at Jade.

"Here Jade, can you help me clear the dishes?" Perrie asked. "Sure thing," Jade responded, quickly grabbing her's and Lily's plates and exiting behind Perrie. "What happened back there?" Jade whispered. "Lily called us out on an assumption she had," Perrie replied, her back to Jade as she washed the dishes off that Jade handed her. "Her assumption was wrong, right?" Jade asked. "Of course it was," Perrie replied nonchalantly. Hearing Perrie say that made the ache in Jade's chest grow, but she covered it up with a smile. "Right," Jade said, making her way back into the dining room to grab more dishes.


"Singer!" Lily cried. "Yes!" Jade cheered. Jade, Lily, and Perrie were playing Kids On Stage, and they were deep into their third game of the afternoon. "You're so good at acting Jade!" Lily exclaimed, hugging her around the legs. "Aww thanks Lily, but there's really nothing to it," Jade replied, ruffling Lily's curls. "But you're so good! You could be a singer!" Lily's eyes grew wide. "Lily, I didn't even sing," Jade laughed. "But I know you would have a great voice!" Lily said. 

"Okay, I think it's Perrie's turn," Jade said, plopping down next to Perrie on the couch. "Okay," Perrie sighed, rolling the die and landing on an animal space. "I got this," Perrie said, getting up and placing the card at the bottom of the pile. She crouched down, bent her arms in a large circle in front of her, and started bounding around the living room. "Gorilla!" Lily screeched. Jade was too busy laughing. 

"Don't start," Perrie grumbled, sitting back down next to Jade. "You looked ridiculous," Jade giggled. "Well, we can't all look fabulous while acting like you," Perrie replied dryly. Jade's eyes widened as Perrie shifted her attention to her daughter as she started to act out her card. "Soccer! Kickball!" Perrie shouted. Jade zoned out, focusing only on Perrie calling out guesses. She only meant that in a friendly way. They weren't in love, right?

So much Jerrie fluff

Hope you liked it

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