Chapter 16

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Well if i had a dollar for every time Jade walked/ran away from Perrie, i'd have like five dollars, but that's still a lot of times. 

and i may have already used this gif but it's too damn cute

anyways enjoy :)

"You ran away from her?" Jesy asked in disbelief. "Again?" 

"Yes yes," Jade groaned, slouching down onto the couch.

"And why did you run away this time?" Jesy demanded, crossing her arms. 

"I'm not even sure," Jade sighed. "The whole conversation was off, and then when she mentioned Alex taking her to the emergency room I freaked. I feel stupid now, because there probably wasn't anybody else to take her."

Jesy looked at Jade with sympathy. "You poor, stupid woman," she said, shaking her head. 

Jade raised her head and shot Jesy a venomous look. "Once you're done being an ass, why don't you try and help me?" She snapped. 

"Okay, okay," Jesy said, raising her hands in mock surrender, wilting under Jade's glare. "If you really want my opinion, I think that you should try to move on, and find yourself a new woman."

"Are you serious right now?" Jade grumbled. "The last thing I need is a relationship, I just messily ended one. Hell, I might still be in it."

"Think about it," Jesy encouraged. "A new relationship will give you a fresh start, a new reason to smile. Trust me, you haven't been smiling a lot recently and if you ask me, I think you're to good for Perrie anyways. She needs to show that she cares and start making an effort. Until then, I don't think that she deserves your love or attention."

Jade's eyes filled with tears as a grin made its way onto her face. "I love you Jesy," she whispered, wrapping her arms around the taller brunette. 

"Love you too Jadey," Jesy said, leaning her head on top of Jade's. "I'll always look out for you, you hear me?"

Jade nodded, sniffing quietly. 

"Now get your ass into some nice clothes, we're going clubbing!" Jesy exclaimed, her sweet mood vanishing in an instant. 

"There is no way I am going clubbing," Jade protested. "I haven't even been in a club since college."

"You need to live a little," Jesy insisted, pulling Jade up the stairs and into her bedroom. "You need the distraction, trust me."

Jade rolled her eyes as Jesy dove into her closet. "I know I have a dress in here that would look great on you," Jade heard her muse. 

"I'm not wearing it if it's too revealing," Jade called. 

Jesy poked her head out of the closet and stuck her tongue out. "You're no fun," she said. 

Jade laughed as Jesy disappeared again, emerging a few seconds later holding a little black dress with matching heels. 

"It doesn't fit me anymore, so here you go," Jesy said, dumping the clothes into Jade's hands. "I accidentally put it in the dryer so it's too short for me now."

"Gee thanks Jes," Jade said sarcastically. "You sure know how to make a friend feel special."

"I do my best," Jesy joked, patting Jade's back. "Now go get ready, we're going to try to leave in less than an hour."

"You know that you're setting that long of a time because it's always you that takes the longest to get ready, not me right?" Jade said, quickly darting out of the room before she heard Jesy's indignant reply. 

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