Chapter 10

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Hey I wonder how long this draft has been sitting here waiting to be published. Probably forever since I'm such a lazy ass

"Jade ... Jade wake up."

Jade groaned, lifting her head off the counter and wincing as her back protested any movement. 

"Are you sore?" Perrie asked gently, placing her hands on Jade's shoulders and massaging them. "It must have been the position you fell asleep in. Make sure to do some stretches, and try not to do anything to laborious today."

"Yes ma'am," Jade joked, earning a playful smile and a kiss on the cheek from Perrie. 

"You know I love you right?" Perrie asked worriedly, her eyes searching Jade's face. 

"Of course," Jade replied without hesitation. "Why?"

"Just checking," Perrie said. "After what happened yesterday I hope you know I'm not going to leave you for Alex or anything."

"I know," Jade replied softly, cupping Perrie's cheeks in her hands. "It was just a lot to process. I know you're struggling too, and I didn't sleep down here just to make you mad, if you were wondering."

Perrie giggled. "I know you didn't," she said. "If you had, you probably would have been passed out on that recliner in the living room you love so much."

Jade smiled, leaning in and pressing her lips to Perrie's gently. When she pulled back, Perrie's eyes were closed and her had a goofy smile on her face. 

"What?" Jade asked. "You idiot, I'm not kissing you anymore."

"I know," Perrie replied, her eyes still closed. "I'm savoring it."

Jade laughed, wrapping her arms around Perrie and drawing the blonde to her chest. 

"I really really love you," Perrie sighed. 

"I love you more," Jade said. 

"Imposs - "

"Morning," Alex said cheerfully, walking into the kitchen and smiling at Jade and Perrie in turn. 

"He ... he stayed here?" Jade demanded, the euphoria from the previous situation wearing off. 

"He slept in the guest room," Perrie said, holding her hands up. 

"The guest room is on the first floor," Jade replied evenly, choosing to ignore the lump in her throat for now.

"I fell asleep in Lily's room actually," Alex said. "I was reading to her and I dozed off."

"I usually read to her," Jade mumbled, fighting the urge to cry, scream, or run over and punch Alex in the face. 

As if sensing the brunette's warring emotions, Perrie reached over and put her arm around Jade's shoulders. 

"I'm going out," Jade said suddenly, standing and shaking off Perrie's arm. She had the overwhelming urge to get out of the house. The air was suddenly too stuffy, and the walls were closing in on her. Jade didn't know what was going on with her, but she knew that the longer she stayed in this house, the harder it was going to be to not cry. 

"Where are you going?" Perrie asked, standing with Jade. 

"Out," Jade repeated, grabbing her coat and making to leave. 

"I'll go with you," Perrie said, reaching for her jacket. 

"No," Jade said, stopping Perrie. "Your family needs you."

Jade shoved the door open and ran out of the house before Perrie could reply. Once the air hit her face, the tears Jade had been trying to hold back trickled down her cheeks as she ran past her car, down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. 

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