Chapter 8

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Well guess who finally updated after months of not writing in this book whew

Hope you enjoy it

"Lily, get to bed!" Perrie shouted, her patience wearing thin as she chased the almost 6-year-old down the hall for the 5th time. 

"No! I wanna play s'more!" Lily squealed, turning a corner and bumping into Jade's legs. 

"Up you go," Jade said, easily swinging the squirming child up over her shoulder and marched into Lily's room, Lily banging her fists against Jade's back. 

"No, no!" Lily screamed. "I wanna play!" 

Jade wrestled Lily into bed, the small blonde's eyes closing almost instantly after her head hit the pillow. 

"Goodnight," Jade sighed, leaning down and kissing Lily's forehead, narrowing her eyes after her lips registered how hot Lily's forehead was. 

"Perrie?" Jade called, moving so Perrie could come stand beside her next to Lily's bed. 

"What is it love?" Perrie asked, the simple word of endearment bring a blush to Jade's cheeks.

"Um, Lily's forehead is really hot, I think she has a fever," Jade replied.

"No wonder she was acting out so much," Perrie mused. 

Jade frowned. 

"Tomorrow's Lily's birthday party. What are we going to do about that?" She asked. 

"First off, we should put extra layers of blankets on Lily, and a cool cloth on her forehead. That should help the fever break," Perrie replied. 

"I'll stay in here if she wakes up," Jade said. 

Perrie's eyes widened in surprise. "You don't have to-" 

"I want to," Jade replied firmly. "You've been working extra hours lately, and I can see how tired you are. Go to bed." She grabbed Perrie's hand and led her out of Lily's room.  

Perrie smiled, Jade's words making her feel warm inside. I am the luckiest person in the world to have such a beautiful and caring girlfriend, she thought giddily as Jade tucked her into bed, leaving her with a soft kiss on the lips. 

"Night," Perrie called out softly. 

"Nanite," Jade replied, smiling as she closed the door to their room quietly. 

Jade padded down the hall, wincing as Lily's door creaked. Luckily, she stayed asleep in her bed. 

As Jade placed the cool cloth on Lily's forehead, the little blonde woke up, her eyelids fluttering slowly. 

"Jade?" Lily whispered groggily. 

"Hi princess," Jade murmured. "I hope you don't mind if I stay with you."

"S'okay," Lily muttered, her eyelids dropping shut once more. Jade smiled softly, reaching over and ruffling Lily's damp curls. She sat down and leaned back against the rocking chair, yawning and allowing her eyes to close for only a moment. 

Less than a minute later, the brunette was asleep, light snores exiting her mouth. 

Jade gasped, her eyes shooting open. She blinked, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. Slowly she sat up, scrunching her eyebrows in confusion when she felt a weight on her lap.

Looking down, a slow smile spread on Jade's face when she realized that Lily was laying curled up on her lap, one hand gripping the front of the brunette's shirt in her little fist. Closing her eyes once more, Jade leaned back onto the rocking chair, wrapping her arms gently around Lily. Eventually Jade's breathing slowed to match Lily's, and she fell asleep with a wide smile on her face. 

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