Flashback 2 - Anna

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This is the one about how Anna came into the world. It's set 8 years before chapter 20, and 1 year after the engagement. Enjoy!

"Jade, what the hell are you doing?" Perrie demanded after hearing a loud thud come from upstairs a third time. 

"Nothing!" Jade shouted back. 

"It doesn't sound like nothing," Perrie called, getting up from her chair. "Do you need any help?"

"Nope!" Jade replied, letting out a curse as another thud sounded. "Okay, maybe a bit of help."

Perrie chuckled, making her way up the stairs and stopping to peer inside Lily's room. The little blonde was laying on her bed, reading a little book and stopping every few seconds to check that her dolls were all still reading their books too. Perrie smiled fondly at the sight and continued walking. 

"Jadey?" Perrie said, pushing the door to the spare bedroom open. "What happened in here?"

Jade looked up at Perrie from her position on the floor. She was currently sitting in between to towers of boxes that seemed to have just missed hitting her as they fell. "Just a little mishap," she replied, standing up and glaring at the boxes. "Help me pick them up, will you?"

"Sure thing," Perrie said, bending down and grabbing a box. "Jeez these are heavy. What in the world do you have in here?"

"Just some baby stuff," Jade replied casually, grunting as she lifted a box and placed it in its previous position on top of the other box. 

There's only one reason Perrie could think of that would explain why Jade had already gotten loads of baby stuff down from the attic. "You mean ... " she trailed off, the box slipping from her hands and falling onto the floor with a thud, tipping over and spilling the contents all over the rug. 

"That's not helpful at all Pez," Jade scolded, having either missed what Perrie said, or she was just choosing to ignore it for the time being. "I think at this point Lily is less of a butterfingers than you do."

Perrie just stood there in shock, her eyes filling with tears. When Jade turned around and noticed Perrie, she immediately set the box down that she was holding and made her way to the blonde's side. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Did the box fall on your foot?"

In response, Perrie placed a hand on Jade's stomach. "Are you ... ?" she whispered. 

Jade looked down at Perrie's hands, then looked back up, her eyes swimming with tears. She nodded, pushing Perrie away gently and turning to pick something up with shaking hands. She handed the stick to Perrie, and the blonde's eyes widened even further when she saw the plus sign in the little window. 

"We're pregnant," Perrie said softly, placing the test on top of a box.

"We're gonna be mums," Jade whispered finally finding her voice. 

Perrie let out a choked sob, wrapping her arms around Jade and lifting her up, spinning the brunette around and around. 

"Babe, we did it!" Perrie exclaimed, setting the brunette down on her feet and pulling her into the blonde's chest. "We did it."

"Pretty sure you didn't do anything, but okay," Jade joked, nonetheless smiling tearfully. 

"I know she's gonna be beautiful, just like her mum," Perrie said, placing a hand on Jade's stomach. 

Jade's heart flipped as she leaned in to press her lips again's Perrie's. The moment was so perfect, Perrie's was holding her in her arms, they were going to welcome a baby into the world, and they already had a wonderful daughter. 

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