Chapter 1: First Day

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"Ohayo, minna-san! Watashi wa Dimple Broccoli desu! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" I greeted my class with extreme enthusiasm, hoping to have a good time with them.

The teacher pointed towards an empty desk and told me that it would be my spot. I silently sat at my assigned seat and looked around the room. There were a couple of HOT bois, (with a capital H) if I do say so myself. I quickly turned around to the front when I accidentally made eye contact with one of them.

Class began shortly and I tried to concentrate on my work, which went swimmingly. Lunch time soon swung by and I took out my bento. Broccoli onigiri again, I thought. I always had this as my lunch in my previous school. I took out my food and started eating until I heard obnoxious laughter within a clique of girls with faces heavily painted with makeup.

"Ohohohoho~" The most prominent of them all was this girl named Can-chan. She had long silvery hair that matched her trash-canny attitude and an abhorrent laugh. I tried to block out their giggling, but to no avail. I ground my lunch in my mouth to cope with my annoyance.

"Oi, you're the new gril aren't you?" a tinny voice said. I looked up to come face-to-face with Can-chan. I glared at her and continued to eat my onigiri. Can-chan smirked and whispered to one of her henchwomen. I've had enough. I got up from my seat and started to leave until I fell smack onto the tiled floor. The grils all mocked me and poured water on my head at that. I felt my face redden and my eyes felt moist. I quickly got on my feet and ran to the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and wept, anger boiling inside me. I wept until lunch was over and I had to go back to class, drenched.

Slowly like a snail, I walked towards the classroom. My eyes were still puffy from the tears. In the hallway, all the students rushed into their classes, leaving me to take my precious time to get there...except this one guy. His black hair was matted on his head and he seemed to be talking to himself. I stared at him with bloodshot eyes, sniffing simultaneously. He gave a naily grin, which took me aback, and retreated into the classroom. I shook my head in denial, assuming that it was only an illusion and proceeded into the classroom.

Class started and everyone in the class whispered about what happened to me. The teacher pulled me outside of class after it was over and asked if everything was all right. I had no choice but to say that it was Can-chan and her gang. I couldn't let them go after what they've done to me. After that conversation, I was dismissed and I could go back home.

I gathered my belongings and slid the door open until a loud, desperate voice called out to me. "Oi, you there with the green hair. Care to join the Telepathy Club?" Coming my way was a girl with a black bob cut and really long eyelashes at the bottom of her eyes.


"Are you willing to join the Telepathy Club?" she repeated, desperation clearly in her voice.

"What do you do in the Telepathy Club?" I asked, confusedly.

The girl struck a power pose and grinned. "Why, it's a club dedicated to the ability of telepathy and extraterrestrial lifeforms. We're currently trying to use telepathy to summon aliens. It's my dream to contact with them. So, do you wanna join?" the girl asked, once again.

"Uhh, I dunno. Maybe another time. I have to change out of these clothes anyway," I said, pointing to my wet uniform.

The girl dropped to her knees and fake-sobbed right in front of me. "Please, we haven't much time. If we don't acquire at least five members, then this club will be disbanded."

Of course, I felt bad for the girl, but aliens and telepathy? It all felt so bizarre.

"Tome-san, I found someone!" a voice shouted from the other side.

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