Chapter 2: A Curse, Revenge, and a Cult

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"Broccoli Nee-chan, you're gonna be late for school!"

Ah. I slept through my alarm...AAAAHH!!!!

I jumped out of bed and quickly changed into my uniform. Egg-chan's clothes were neatly folded next to my bag. I grabbed both of them and rushed down into the kitchen. Putting the toast in my mouth and packing my bento, I raced out of the house. I sprinted my way to school while eating the toast. The bell rang, causing me to panic even more than I already was. I sped down the hallways and slid open the classroom door. Just in time.

"Broccoli-chan, you're here!" Egg-chan exclaimed, running over to me.

"Here are pant your clothes," I said, through uneven breaths. I felt like passing out right there.

"Thanks, man. You're the Broc!"

"Did someone say 'Brok?'" a big, brassy voice boomed.

Egg-chan and I turned our heads to see a giant muscular jock with long green hair spurting out from his head.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Egg-chan.

"That's Brok Choy. People call him 'Jock Brok' though," she whispered back.

I scrunched my nose. Egg-chan noticed and laughed. "I know. Jocks, right?"

"And may I ask who these lovely ladies are?" Jock Brok advanced towards us.

"Go back in a hot pot or something," Egg-chan spat.

Suddenly, an ear-piercing scream shot through the whole school. "AAAGGGHHH!!!! My hair, my face, my WELL-BEING!!!!" Can-chan's voice whined. She came into the classroom, drenched like I was just yesterday. I involuntarily smiled at her misfortune. Can-chan's henchwomen snickered at her, getting bitter looks from their leader. Can-chan, seethed with rage confronted me and grabbed my collar.

"You did this, didn't you?"

"Huh?" I was confused. I didn't plan anything before I came to school, neither did I have any time to prepare anything this morning.

She tightened her grip and said in a low, sinister, "You also put that weird black liquid in my shampoo last night, didn't you?"

When Can-chan didn't get an answer, she released me and screamed in frustration. "You'll pay for this," she snarled and walked off somewhere, her henchwomen following her.

"Jeez, what's up with her?" Egg-chan wondered. We made eye-contact with each other and cracked up laughing. The teacher came in after that and we started class. We learned a lot of arbitrary topics, but hey, it's school.

Little did I know that we had gym today.

"Ugh, I wonder what we're doing today," I said to Egg-chan as I changed.

"The weather's been pretty warm so we're probably gonna go outside and do some activities," Egg-chan replied.

As soon as we finished changing, just like Egg-chan said, we were taken outside. It was like a Sahara Desert out there. The hot breath of Mother Nature blasted in my face and the relentless sun shone down on the field.

All the students in our class immediately groaned and fanned themselves.

"Perfect weather, ain't it everybody?" the teacher remarked, smugly.

Everyone glared at him while he went to go get the equipment. A couple students sat down in exhaustion so Egg-chan and I did the same.

"Can you believe this?" a honeyed voice commented.

Egg-chan and I twirled our heads around to see a gril with a bowl-cut, similar to that guy I met at the street.

"I sure can't," Egg-chan said, fanning herself.

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