Chapter 3: Hur Dur It's a Snurl

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I woke up to the sound of my dissonant alarm clock. I should really change that. Gives me a heart attack every time. I slammed my hand over the clock to make it stop ringing while getting up from my bed. I yawned and wiped the sleep off of my eyes, taking a look at the time. Fortunately, I wasn't late this time. I wondered if Cauliflower was awake and tip-toed towards his room. Sleeping soundly like a baby.

I spotted the stereo in his room and an idea popped in my head. I quietly made my way through his disoriented room and turned the dial up to the max on the stereo. Then, I turned it on and music blasted away.


I glanced over at Cauliflower whether he was startled or not, but instead he started to tear up in his sleep. What's wrong with this guy? I decided to turn off the stereo and go prepare myself for school. After doing that, I turned on the TV to see if anything interesting was happening. A documentary about snails was airing and I immediately thought of the snail curse. How about I use that on Can-chan? I mean, what harm is there in being a snail? A menacing smile slowly made its way on my face and I softly chuckled to myself.

I heard footsteps descending down the stairs and turned around to see who it was.

"Nee-chan, did you turn on my stereo?"

"Does it look like I did?"

Cauliflower shrugged and before he proceeded into the kitchen, asked, "Are you watching a documentary about...snails?"

I quickly turned off the TV and replied, "No."

He looked at me weirdly and went to get something to eat. Soon after Cauliflower got his food, Dad came down, then Mom.

As soon as I got my bento from Mom, I zipped out of the house. I bumped into Egg-chan on the way and I talked to her about my evil plan to curse Can-chan. Egg-chan agreed that this was my chance to get back at Can-chan and embarrass her in front of the class. We laughed in the infamous Can-chan way as we walked to school.

"Hey, Broccoli-chan. Do you think I should use that curse on Brok Choy, too?" Egg-chan asked while we were changing our shoes.

"Go right on ahead. He's been annoying the both of us after all," I affirmed.

The both of us had huge grins on our faces as we headed to our class. Before class started, Brok came near us and tried to spark up a conversation.

"Snail, sir you are fat," Egg-chan chanted in a low voice.

"Huh, what'd you say?" Brok leaned in to hear.

Egg-chan kept chanting and her voice gradually got louder.

Brok's eyes pleaded Egg-chan to stop, but she kept going. It was too late to turn back.

Something started to protrude from Brok's back and his eyes, on a second look, began to come out of their sockets. Brok's back soon turned into a snail shell and his eyes jutted out from his face. His limbs shrunk into his torso, getting smaller and smaller until he was lying on the floor. Oddly, his hair was still intact, making him look like an abnormal vegetoid-snail.

"Yo, Jock Br—" one of the jocks froze as he comprehended what he was looking at. "O-oh God. What the hell?"

The snail slithered towards him.

"Aaaaaagh, get away!" the jock jumped up probably about 5 feet in air and ran out the classroom.

All the other students turned to look at what spooked him and as soon as they saw it, their faces went pale. They started screaming and ran out of the classroom, following the jock.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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