It all started here.

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Serenity sat at her desk. She was swamped with homework, she angrily grumbled: "How could one person have this much work?!" She glances at her the digital alarm clock on her desk above her, the red glowing numbers tinting the beautiful birch desk. They read 10:59 pm. "Oh, I should go to bed." She gets up and walks into the living room to turn off and lock everything. She opens the bulky front door to lock the security door, as she does that.. she noticed something.. peculiar. There were beautiful songbirds outside her home. They were about 5 or 6 of them. They were... guarding something, or rather. eating something it looked like. This had a stereotypical horror feeling drawn all over it. She decided to not investigate, slightly terrified of what she may find. She got into bed and glanced at her clock once more: 11:04 pm. She closed her eyes and shifted to her side. About five minutes later, her eyes snapped open and she sighed. "Well... I'm not going to sleep unless I feed my curiosity. Am I?" She heavily sighed once more as she got out of bed and put on cozy Olaf pajama pants. She put her shoes on and walked outside to where she saw the songbirds last. As she got closer, she could finally see what they were surrounding--It was.. rather... she was a small child, but it wasn't as innocent as this sounds. The child was completely disemboweled and the songbirds were feeding off of her pink fleshy body. The birds were not startled. They were actually angry, as they turned around she could see their gorgeous white feathers now stained pink. The few that were there flew at her, tearing at her pale skin, clawing, grabbing and biting her arm and face. She sprinted for her home, slamming the security door with a crash. Serenity closed the front door and locked them. Serenity took a breath and quickly walked to the washroom. As she cleaned herself up, she couldn't stop seeing the birds. She was scared, but she didn't want to admit it. "who is scared of songbirds. They're... harmless. But I can't deny.. those were not harmless." She said begrudgingly before pausing "who am I even talking to-I need to rest." She walked into her room, rubbing her arm. After some tossing and turning, she fell asleep. Though, it was not peaceful: flashes of the songbird attacks and the disemboweled girl infected her mind.

White Birds And Red FleshWhere stories live. Discover now