Oh no

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She dashed through the woods unable to find her house, the songbird song now chilling. They sounded louder than earlier, how.. she was running away from them now. She paid no attention to the noise she was making running over the twigs and bones. Leaves and bones crunched in her ears but Serenity ran as fast as she could. She stopped. There was what looked like a street light, she smiled and ran toward it, hoping to find the street it was connected to. As she got closer, it wasn't a street light. Her heart dropped, it was a spotlight to a cabin. The cabin was a mahogany red and stained with blood, decorated with the bodies of small children draped over the the railing on the porch. Some where dead, disemboweled just like the girl she saw two days ago. Some--she noticed, where still wheezing for breath as they cried silently. Serenity was horrified, she wanted to run the opposite direction, but the songbirds were getting closer, the repetitive song sending chills down her spine. Suddenly, the door swung open. Serenity ducked behind the rock next to her, she peeked over and saw the thing she ran from last night. It croaked and dragged its malformed body over to one of the children. The horrid creature placed a hand on its back, grabbed her arm and ripped it away from her, the bones cracking and ligaments tearing apart. It ate the arm with no hesitation. She little girl, still trying to breathe, screamed. Serenity wanted to scream as well, she wanted to vomit. She stayed still, hoping the blind monster couldn't see her. She used her arm to move the grounds debris to make a clear path. She moved silently away from the cabin.  

White Birds And Red FleshWhere stories live. Discover now