Chapter 7

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Isla stared at Serenity
"What the hell happened" she asked, concerned
Serenity stood up
"Its none of your concern" she replied solemnly.
Isla sighs as she crawls out of the crawlspace. "I will be back"
"Where are you going? Its dangerous!"
"Its not of your concern."
Isla left for hours. When night arrived and Isla still hadn't returned, Serenity became very worried, she carefully walked out of the safe crawlspace and looked around at the nightmarish forest. In the distance she heard screaming, she ran over towards the sound and slowed down when she drew near. It was at the cabin. The wendigo had its back towards Serenity and was eating and tearing apart a girl. The creature finished and took the mutilated body back into the cabin. It returned later with a large metal rod, it stabbed it into the ground and jabbed Isla's head on the rod. Her face was grey and pale, the veins in her face, blue and showing through her skin. Her eyes turned up and her mouth sightly ajar. Blood dripped from her mouth and recently severed neck. Her spine still attached and her hair messy and some torn out. It looked like a demented bear had attacked her. Serenity started to cry, her only friend... Killed an mutilated so cruelly. She looked distraught. If only she knew how she felt, she regret her words that she said to Isla. Her last words, almost as cruel as the wendigo. Her sadness turned to anger, she wanted to kill this wretched being. She wanted it to suffer. She stood there and waited for the perfect timing. The monster perked his-its head up and ran from the cabin, probably going for food or a camper-- though I guess thats the same thing. Serenity wasted not a moment, she ran into the cabin to find children hanging from the walls and miscellaneous skin on a table. She found some rope and other materials she might find useful. She dashed out of the cabin as quick as she could, not wanting to turn into a toaster cozy for this monster. A few feet away from the cabin, she set up her trap.

"This better work. I can't make any mistakes"

Just as she finished her sentence, the wendigo runs back into the cabin with it's prey, just as she suspected. It was a camper, Mid twenties maybe. He looked awful. What happened-- she wasn't paying attention
Her ears filled with a deadly screech, she turned her head and noticed that the monster running at her, the trap behind her. She hopped over a log and over the trap, it didn't catch on and before she could say anything.. Her face was covered in blood. It wasn't her blood. Serenity looked at the trap and she smiled. The horrific creature was dead, each set of rope grasped at the frail-set body, the head disconnected, its torso was ripped violently in half and its legs bound together. Its eyes, stared at her, it flailed violently, splashing her in more blood. It finally went limp.

"That's two down, ready or not.. Here I come" she said with a sinister grin on her face

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