It sure is Pretty. Odd.

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Brendons P.O.V.
Beginning of school was neither fun or horrible, I like to tell myself.

I walked into the classroom, pretty late, but it was just typical for me. I sat down and looked around the room scanning for anyone I could talk to so I didn't look so desperate sitting alone.

Ryan's P.O.V.

The teacher just called me in front of the class, great.

"Thanks for everyone getting to there seats and sitting down, we have a new student, Ryan, say hi." Mrs. Kettem said.
I just nodded.
"His dad is sick and dying so give him sympathy." She said looking sorry for me.
My dad is not dying. He is just, sick.
I just sit down by this kid named Dallon, he looks pretty decent, very long and skinny, not to bad. All during school I talk to this kid, he is very open-minded about me and my dad, I didn't share alot about my dad but I did tell him I live alone, he said he has an extra room in his apartment and I was welcomed to stay, I said I'll think about it. It's weird to move to someone apartment after 3 hours of knowing them.

Brendons P.O.V.

When it was break time I went to sit where I usually sit, with Dallon and Spencer, but hat kid Ryan is sitting with them, he is pretty, cute, his eyes zoom the place as if he didn't know where he was.

"Hey Ryan, my name is Brendon." I said waving at him sitting down right by Spencer.

"I know, Dallon told me that you were one of his roommates," he said staring at me with big brown eyes.
"Yeah I told him he could stay with us since he isn't really living with anyone." Dallon cheerfully said.
"Maybe I'll check the place out today if that's fine with you, Brendon." Ryan said taking a sip of water as if this is what he usually does on his time off, checking out a apartment at the first day of meeting someone, great now he is a 7/10.

"Yeah that's fine we can even drive you over after this place we call hell," I said but I then remembered to add "Oh and Ryan I'm sorry about your dad, he will get better for sure." I said smiling sadly.
He just nodded, exactly how he did in class.

Ryan's P.O.V.

It was after school and we where heading into Dallons car. Spencer sits in front talking to Dallon the Pro's and Con's to having a new roommate and I was just in the back with Brendon. I couldn't lie, he was cute, but I don't think he's gay or bi. Most people I meet don't just tell me there sexuality as if it was an important thing, but Dallon kept talking about gay anime ships that he made up, so I'm guessing he is Gay, he's cute I'm not complaining, but I think he is with Spencer.

"This is the place, don't look in the kitchen Brendon does not like to clean his dishes so we got paper plates but some how he fucked that up too." Dallon said opening the door. We all laugh, Brendon laughs the loudest,
We further explore the room that I would stay in, I liked it, well I liked, them more than the place.
"You know what, you guys are great and you just might murder me when I'm here just because I only just met you and you secretly hate me but, fuck it, why not." I say, dallon just smiles at me, Spencer laughs and Brendon just was going on and on how it's not fair he has to pay a third for rent but I didn't have to pay for my first month of being here.
"I never got a, 'you don't have to pay for a month' Brendon your new to this," Brendon says.
"Brendon just clean your dishes and then we will talk."

I was going to move into this apartment in two days, but Dallon convinced me to stay the night tonight and they would help to clean up my room a little bit.

"I'm just going to get some clothes and my school shit from home first and I'll be back."

Brendon offered to drive me there but I walked because I wanted to call my dad without anyone noticing my eyeliner dripping. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings.

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