Damn your kiss and the awful things you do

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"The way you look at me Dall, it makes me feel really special," I started to say "I hope I'm really special to you."

Dallon stopped hugging me and kissed me, he didn't stop.

The door knob started to twist.

"Hey guys Spencer went out to get us all some pizza to bad your weren't there Ry-" Brendon dropped a single black rose.

I stopped the kiss but, Dallon put a smug look on his face and continued.

Ryan's P.O.V.

Brendon ran out the room, sobbing. I got off of Dallon and picked up the rose. There was a little note attached to it. Which read:

Ryan I hope you're feeling better. I said I got you a surprise, which one of them is this black rose, that took me hours to find a place that had them, but I did have a question, will you go on a date with me tomorrow after school. I really think your special, and your really strong, in more ways that I could ever be,

Love, Brendon

My heart sank. I wanted to blame Dallon for everything, but I couldn't.

"I'm sorry Ryan.." Dallon said looking at the ground "..I just,"

"I don't care I'm finding Brendon!" I said slamming the door behind me.

Brendons P.O.V.

I called Spencer.

"Um, hey, cancel the pizza." I said wiping my tears.

"I'm already on my way back to the house, why?" Spencer said in disbelief.

"Don't go to the house, could you actually pick me up, I'm like 3 blocks away from the house, just take me to like your house your something.. PLEASE" I said.

"Get your lazy ass up and get to the house." Spencer hung up.

I kicked the air.


Ryan's P.O.V.

I saw Spencer pulling up.

"Where B?" Spencer said.

"I don't know I'm trying to find him now."

"He said he was three blocks away, and he wanted me to cancel the pizza but I had already got it, get in the car."

I got in the car. Spencer and I drove around. We finally found Brendon.

"Get in the car." Spencer said.

Brendon stared at me.

"I wasted my love on you!" Brendon screamed.

Spencer was silent.


"You didn't hear a thing I said in the hospital did you!" Brendon said.

"I did, you never said you loved me! You can tell anyone they are different in a good way! That doesn't me you love them!" I said pointing q finger at him.

"Maybe I should date Dallon" I whispered.

Brendon got in the car. He crossed his arms the whole way home.

We were finally there we all got out of the car.

We got home and saw Dallon finishing my work.

"I brought pizza.." Spencer said and put the pizza on the kitchen counter.

I took a slice and headed to my unfinished room. I sat on the floor and ate the pizza. Dallon came in.

"Ryan, let's be real, you said I made you feel special. Does Brendon change that?" Dallon said standing right in front of me looking straight in my eye.

"Dallon I don't need your shit right now, I'm confused okay!" I said.

Dallon kneeled on the ground so we were on the same level.

"You asked me if you were special to me, you are really special to me Ryan, I love you alot, but when you said that I made you feel special, I thought you were telling the truth." Dallon said smirking and his eyes started to twinkle again.

"I was telling the truth!" I said.

"Then why did you break the kiss when Brendon came in this morning?" He said putting his hands on my knees.

" I-I don't know why." In stuttered.

Brendon came in.

"Get a hold of yourself Dallon, Ryan can hardly breathe with you that close to his face!" Brendon said.

"Sorry Ryan." Dallon said with a smile.

Dallon was close to walking out the door.

"But your work is finished, for today anyways, your welcome." Dallon siad walking out.

"Your sweating." Brendon said wiping my head with his shirt.

"Brendon you don't deserve me," I said finishing my pizza.

"You're probably right, I don't make you feel special." He said walking out going into his room.

"I didn't mean it like that!" I said, but he couldn't hear me.

I went out to get another slice. Dallon walked up to me.

Dallon came up behind me and hugged me from behind.

"Your a bad man, a mysterious bad man." I told Dallon.

"Is that a good thing?" Dallon smirked.

Dallon carried me to his room. He kissed me, he didn't stop, I didn't stop, I wrapped my legs around him, in regret, we made out. I couldn't believe myself. I couldn't stop. He couldn't stop.

Dallon was a mysterious bad man.

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