Your eyes are the size of the moon

45 4 4

Dallons P.O.V.

**A/N I hope I'm not triggering fans by making Dallon and Ryan like each other ... That is all

I woke up with the sound of Ryan throwing up in the bathroom, I rushed to the bathroom to see if he was okay.

"I'm just a little," he started to say but continued to throw up, "sick"

Brendon came in right behind us, he wasn't wearing any pants just underwear. "Hey guys school is going to start in 15 minutes, I stay with Ryan, Dallon go get dressed." Brendon said.

Ryan's P.O.V.

Dallon and Brendon we're talking but I couldn't really understand what they were saying I just heard the sound of me throwing up.

Dallon left, and I guess Brendon was staying home with me. They treat me as if they were my parents and I was the child, I don't mind I guess but it is a little different.

Brendons P.O.V.

I went to put some shorts on and came back to the bathroom with Ryan.

"Ryan I'm going to run a bath for you."
"I'm sorry Brendon..."
"For what we all get sick?"
"You didn't have to stay with me and I shouldn't have gotten in your bed. And you shouldn't even be seeing me like this"

Ryan's P.O.V.

I wiped my face from the throw up. I felt so embarrassed since Brendon had to stay home with me and see how sick I look.

Brendon sat down right in front of me. "Ryan don't be sorry, I rather stare at you with throw up on your face then go to school anyways." He said smiling. 

After I took my bath I was feeling so much better, I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I came out of the bathroom and went back to Dallons room to put some underwear on and climb back in bed, well on Dallons bunk since it was closer.

Brendon came in, "Are you feeling better?". "Yes very, thanks Brendon." I said turning over so I could see him.

He came into the bed laying next to me. "Ryan, I hope you get better." Brendon said putting his arms around me kissing my fourhead.

"You looked so bad when you were throwing up, as if someone sucked the life out of you, I don't want to see you like that again."

"Oh thanks Brendon." I said laying my head on his chest. He kissed my fourhead again, and again. I actual think that he thinks that he is my parent, I love it.

-Hours later-

Dallon came home with medicine in his hands walking into the room. "Brendon move, Ryan needs some medication."

I open up my eyes a little from my nap with Brendon.

"He's fine now Dallon, he just needed to take a bath and get some rest." Brendon said getting up. "He still needs this medication for his stomach." Dallon said handing me the medicine and some water, I took it, I think it was cherry flavor. Gross.

"Thanks guys for taking care of me." I said, they both nodded.

Dallons P.O.V.

I gave Brendon his missing homework and he went to his room.

"Don't forget to finish your water." I said, then I kissed his fourhead. "Your really warm." I said taking the blankets off. He only had Underwear on, in my bed.

Ryan's P.O.V.

Brendon made me forget that I only had Underwear on, he didn't even tell me, I guess he didn't mind.

"Dallon I'm sorry I forgot" I said pulling the blankets up. He pulled them back off, "your sick leave them off it's probably best if you wear underwear on, you have a fever." He said sitting on the edge of the bunk bed.

"Well don't you want me to get back on my bunk?"
"No I rather you stay here"
"So I can keep a close eye on you"

"Dallon you're such a parent, when are you going to act like a badass or adorable again?" I said drinking some of my water.

"When you're done being sick." He causally said.

I pulled Dallon into me, "I want you to hold me". Dallon placed his arms around me.

I started to pull his arms off, "I'm sorry for thinking too rash, you shouldn't probably hold me I'm sick."

"Brendon held you am I any different?" Dallon said.

"No.." I said nervously.
"I'm just kidding, Ryan" he said laughing.

We laughed and then I asked him if he would hold me again and if he got sick I would be sorry.

"Are you into, well, boys?"
"You're in my bed with your underwear and I'm holding your ass Ry."
"Good point"
"Get some rest, goodnight."

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