Chapter 16: The True Meaning of Escape

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(A/N: If it seems like this book is going too fast, too many problems, etc., don't be afraid to say it! I'm glad to fix any flaws or even redo chapters if they don't belong. Anything for my followers. May Malekith's spear be with you!)

Chapter 16


The True Meaning of Escape

"Kjer, I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry! This isn't what it looks like, I promise," Ari begged. Kjer knelt down by her and looked her in the eyes. He placed his hand on her bloody shoulder, wiping the cloth of her dress away from the wound. "Why do you do this to yourself? We could have been so happy the way we were, but then you did this," he said, tears leaking from his ruby eyes.

"I chose this life because I didn't like my old one. I chose it because of where I truly belong, brother. I think it's time for me to realize that living with my two brothers isn't the life I want, so these adorable warriors came into my life. Kjer, I have a boyfriend. Do you know how amazing it is to finally have a new intrust instead of hunting all day with my family? Solv, Lettvind, and Drepe are my best friends, and I would like it to remain that way."

Kjer's heart broke at those words, knowing that she wasn't willing to be around him for any longer. Her 19 year old brother moved over to take a look at the injured elf, Lettvind. The poor elf was terrified; he was shirtless, bleeding, hungry, and weak in front of the king of Jotunheim. "Sir, we tried to save you, not harm you. These people were planning to attack your coronation. Um, is it almost time for the coronation, Prince?" Lettvind asked, his voice still weak. Kjer bared his teeth, using sorcery to make his teeth look like fangs. "It's already been done, no-horns. I'm the King," he hissed back.


"No, if you were actually sorry, you would have gotten your stupid elven self back to Santa's workshop a long time ago," Kjer mocked.

Lettvind was starting to act like the same shy, innocent person that he was when he met Ari. Solv sat next to Ari again, watching as the King criticized Lettvind. Kjer's tears were dripping down, leaving warm trails of water on his dirt stained face. "Baby, has he ever interrogated this much? He's beginning to sound like he wants to kill us," Solv whispered in her ear, making her worry. Kjer heard him and grabbed the top of the dark skinned elf's hair. He accidentally undid a bit of the top of his braid in the process.

Before Solv could respond, Kjer harshly whispered in his pointed ear, "Listen, she's my sister, so don't go kissing her. You're not a real friend, boyfriend, husband, and definitely not a father. If I hear word of you talking or looking at her, or even thinking of her, you'll be executed right there and then. And I swear to the Gods, if you're going to be a father now-" Kjer started. "I'm not! She's in normal condition."

"Well, anyways, don't go loving her at this age. Get away from her, she's 16. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Well, just so you know as useful information, I'm 16 also. No, I'm not going to be a father with her, and no, I will not continue. Shall we please go free? Svartalfheim is an easy reach with the Bifrost."

Kjer glanced over at Ari, tears still making his eyes glimmer. He looked at her, basically asking her what he should say. She nodded, bringing herself closer to Kjer. "Yes, but you will have to go with a few guards to show you the way. Don't worry about the punishment; it will be applied when the guards arrive. Ari, I expect you to come to the after party and have a drink or two with me. If I let them go, we shall not speak of this to father or Shivan, okay?" he whispered, still showing heartbreak. "Shivan already knows, and you may tell Miraak. I think he should know what really caused the fire that killed Saraphina," Ari corrected.

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