Chapter 1 : Meet.( Under Heavy Editing )

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Osaka, a beautiful place with Sakura trees on every corner. The people under Toyotomi Hideyoshi's hand have peacefully lives there...

The sunlight has warmed the land on dawn, people starts to get up and do their routine. It's also includes the secret princess of Toyotomi, Toyotomi (Y/n). The young-woman was hidden by her father, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, from any danger.

Hideyoshi did it in order to protect and prevent his only, and only one daughter from kidnapping, blackmail, or even getting herself killed. This is a secret that only Hideyoshi, along with his trustworthy strategist Takenaka Hanbei keep between. Not even the generals, Ishida Mitsunari and Tokugawa Ieyasu know or even having a single idea about Hideyoshi having a daughter or son.

The princess has blessed with beautiful ( Eye color ) eyes, and soft silky ( Hair color ) hair. A Goddess, they said. She is known as the most beautiful girl on the neighborhood, and the toughest one too. People always see the resemblance of her with Hideyoshi, both of their hands are holding power. (Y/n) never show-off it though, she uses it only when she is in danger.

Sometimes, she felt a pang about missing her father. So that day she decided to walk around the Osaka Castle, hoping that she'll caught at least a glimpse of her father. (Name) tightened her (Fav color) obi on her waist, and re-checks her kimono once again.

" I hope this color is won't be very eye-catching..." Smiled with satisfaction, (Y/n) slipped on her sandals and began to walk.

While she walked through the castle, her eyes were busy admiring the beautiful sakura trees along the way, ( Name ) can faintly hear the Soldier voices who training theirself, the villagers activity, and few chirping birds. She stared at the beautiful blue sky, and smile to herself.

" I wonder where is father on a beautiful day like this .. " ( Name ) muttered to herself. As if the heaven hears her, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and his strategyst, Takenaka Hanbei appeared on one of the castle windows. or maybe planning something inside their sleeves. Surprisingly, they  noticed ( Name ) too. Hideyoshi's lips curled a bit into a smile, and waves his hand slowly while Hanbei just chuckled. 

As they walked away inside, ( Name ) smiled heartfully. Finally she can see him even it's just about two minutes. She continued to walks along the way, toward the traditional market. She's hungry, and need to arrive at the foodstand as fast as possible!

( Name ) knocked with something, and fell down. Her eyes were shut tightly from the impact.

" Ouch! .. " She cried, she prepared herself to kiss the earth. But nothing happened.
( Name ) opened her eyes, to see a man with silver hair and green eyes. He hold ( Name )'s waist to prevent her from fall, 
" What are you doing in a place like this, woman? " The man spoke up, his cold-yet calm voice made ( Name ) recognizing him.
( Name ) knows this man very well, from Hideyoshi's letter.

He is Ishida Mitsunari, the right hand of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. A cruel, heartless man. He never get any love since child, and it made him like this. Mitsunari's cold gaze sent shiver through
( Name )'s skin, now he is holding ( Name )'s waist and back on bridal position to balanced her. Their eyes met for a few second, ( E/c ) irises staring deeply into Mitsunari's green one. 

( Name ) swear inside her mind that Mitsunari's eyes hipnotized her until she lost in them, Mitsunari just smirked from her reaction. ( Name ) blushed of all sudden, and quickly fixes the position.

" I-i'm sorry .. Ishida-sama .. " ( Name ) bowed deeply, scared if she made the general angry. Mitsunari just stared at her, coldly. ( Name ) shivered once again, 
" Be careful next time, woman. If you bump to the enemy, nobody will save you. " Then he continued to walk away, like his usual routine to patrol the village.

( Name ) just smiled a bit,
" Father must be chose a very great warrior for sure .. " .

As she prepared to step, an owl has dropped something onto her... and hit her head.  

" Ouuuch .. " ( Name ) rubbed her head and reaches the thing. After the pain has subsided, she saw that her tiny slim fingers hold a red crimson roll-letter. 

" Huuuuh .. ? " She slowly opened the roll, only to find the sender name. Strokes of ink brush which is she reads right now, are Kanjis. 

' Toyotomi Hideyoshi

" Eeeeh it's from Otou-san ? " ( Name ) read it, then trying to hold her scream because of the content. 

' EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHH?!!! ' Fortunately, she only screamed on her mind. Not with her mouth. 


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