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(Warning : Contain cringy over romance scenes with Mitsunari xD )

" Once more! "

"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!" (Name) collided her fist with a huge rock before cracking it to pieces, then bowed down to her Master. Master Yuu smiled, he didn't expect her to be this fast learned. The great master put his hands on hips,

" Now, you are going to fight with moving opponent, with me. " (Name)'s jaw dropped,

" Eh? But-but-but- "

" No buts! "

" Fineeeeeeee~" (Name) got into the proper fight stance, Master Yuu suddenly charges at her. She dodged it by jumping to the side and strike him back, Master Yuu moved his arm to block (Name's) palm. They fought in an intense battle, someone would strike and the remain will block then strike back. (Name) ducked a kick from her master and get up to punch him but her fist was caught.

" You're improving day by day, your stance is getting stronger and your speed and reflex too. " Master Yuu folded his hands onto his chest, (Name) smiled excitedly. Master Yuu caressed his own facial hair,

" Hmmmm, you can go to the next level. A very old technique and was used by older generations. You will learn about how to control your Chakra and Ki in advance, this will gives you a lot of advantages in battle. But it is a little bit ... much harder than basic chakra control. "

(Name) just stared at him, she just training for like... 3 days? And her master already teaching her in advance. Hail Toyotomi Power, hail!.

" Try to run on the water. " The Toyotomi princess just stared in shock and disbelieve, what am i going to do with these ninja stuffs?. Master Yuu just laughed like an old man he is, He returned his gaze to (Name).

" But Master, I'm not intending to be a ninja. "

" Why not, it till be on your advantage. Especially fighting a newer generation ninja like this era, they didn't bother to advancing like the old days. They probably stuck on shadow clones technique, and chakra control making you very...very capable to do more than that. "

*Sasuke and Kasuga : ACHOOOO!

Lord Shingen : Eh? What happened to you two?.

Lord Kenshin : *Snickered* *

(Name) just smiled, she feels like a daughter to Master Yuu now. Without doubt, she gathered her chakra and starts to run to the river. She focused her chakra to her feet and bam, she is running on the water. (Name) just randomly running and laughing at the same time like a mad lad,

" Oh my god! I did it-" Once (Name) turned her head to the great master, she tripped. Splash! she tried to swim and ended up like a wet cat on the riverbank, Master Yuu hysterically laughed followed by (Name).

" Your chakra control is very smooth, your Ki stream too. But your focus need a lot of attention, eh?. We can't ended up like a wet cat in a battle." Once again, they laughing together.

------------------- Skip brought by Mitsunari's 'HIDEYOSHI-SAMAAAAAAAAA!"-----------

" Hanbei, how are the troops preparation going?. We need to sweep Odawara until their land falls into our..." Hideyoshi seeped his tea, while Hanbei took a scroll of map. He opened and laid the map onto the table smoothly, then he took a writing brush.

" Here, we took this route. " Hanbei drew a line on the map, the silver haired man caressed his own chin as if he thinking of something while Hideyoshi simply folded his arms. Hideyoshi took a look to the map, analyze every single detail on the map especially other lands. Hanbei continued, 

" But the thing is, our weapon shipment is still taking time. The troops are ready but the weapon shipment needs at least one month, west country is pretty much far. But that is understandable, when our newest technology has arrived, we can conquer further than Japan and push Mongol from Joseon. " Hanbei reassured the huge Daimyo with ease to hold their strike upon Odawara, he is the trustworthy strategist after all.


Mitsunari walked through the castle hall while carrying tired (Name), this has been becomes a routine to them for the rest of the evening. (Name) as usual stubbornly overused her leftover energy, she collapsed that Mitsunari needs to carries her. To be brutally honest, Mitsunari is always happy that he can having a good time with her. (Name) also felt mostly comfortable with him so she doesn't mind at all being carried, and it's a plus.

"Mitsu, can we go stargazing today?. " (Name) rested her head on Mitsunari's shoulder, the general stopped his track.

" But your condition is not capable, (N-Name)... " Mitsunari stuttered, still doesn't get used to call her so casually. (Name) giggled,

" Let's watch them from my balcony, i really need a friend to talk. " Concerning about her saddening tone, Mitsunari quickly nodded. (Name) smiled and they continued their way to her room. Mitsunari can clearly feel the tense (Name) felt, he pressed the urge to show her what he felt right there because *cough* his pride *cough*.

'Tch, woman.'




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