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" As the future ruler of this land and my only child, Toyotomi (Name). I will send you to learn, how Toyotomi works to earn power and control  the remain lands. Come with Hanbei to the strategy room. "

As the dinner held in, Hideyoshi lectured a lot of things to (Name).  She luckily catching on faster than they were expected to be. Deep inside, (Name) was scared. The way her father lectures her sounds really violent, they don't even hold themselves to kidnap, manipulating, or even slaughter a whole land to achieve their goals. 

(Name) simply nodded, showing her gratitude while picking her dimsums with her chopstick. No wonder why Ieyasu about rambling about peace and bonds, this place has none!. (Name) glanced slightly to Mitsunari whom closed his eyes, absorbing every single words from his idol, his only lord. He seemed in peace, in happiness. She wonder, how can he get so calm with these things. These thoughts made her shivering, can she fit in here?.

After another few talks with Hideyoshi, (Name) finished her dinner. She bowed before heading to the strategy room with Hanbei. They walk in silent, probably a little bit awkward from the lectures. Hanbei glanced at (Name)'s conflicted face, and sighed.

" Do you want to talk about it? "

(Name) looked up to Hanbei, she nodded slowly. Hanbei smiled and opened a thin door, they are arrived. The strategy room has a lot of books, mainly war. Probably a lot of enemies information too, and there is a short wooden table in the center.

" Have a sit (Name) "

Hanbei sat on one of the table side, and (Name) sat with facing him. The most trusted man of Hideyoshi cleared his throat, then he looking at (Name).

" Let me guess, you are shocked? "

(Name) lowered her gaze in shame, afraid if she has done something wrong. Hanbei patted her head, and smiled.

" You'll adapt to it soon, i'm sure of it. You don't have to be afraid, (Name). "

(Name) clenched her fist,

" Why? Why we should torture them, why we should invade them like that? "

Hanbei smiled sadly, he gazed to the window. He seems in a deep thought, so (Name) patiently waited him to speak.

" It's Hideyoshi's dream, if Hideyoshi desires it, i would too. He was dreaming about uniting Land of Sunrise, now he dreams of uniting the world. I want to be always with him, helping him achieving his dream. No matter how hurting it is, i will be always beside him. "

(Name) stared at him in disbelieve, how could he supports such a violent acts?. Now she realizing what is actually happening now to their land, Her clan keeps expanding their wings to another lands with war.

" Now we are on the way to expand further than Joseon*, we will conquer Mongol as well. We need you in charge at Osaka, you need to sharpen your skill. Tomorrow, you will be trained with a martial arts master. "

Hanbei sent her apologetic smile before he gets up and left her in the strategy room. Clenching her teeth, she headed back to her room. While walking she passed a room with a dim light from inside, being a curious young woman herself, she enters it.

There was Mitsunari, bowing down to the picture of a family that attached on the wall. He seemed to be distracted when (Name) entered the room,

" WHAT ARE YOU- Oh ... it's you Hime-sama." 

Mitsunari's gaze was really cold at first, then softened once he realized it just (Name). The young princess eyeing him, then looks at the picture that attached on the wall. One familiar face and one not, she recognized they are Hideyoshi and, probably his wife.

" What are you doing this late night, Mitsu? "

(Name) smiled, Mitsunari cleared his throat before answering.

" I'm mostly spent my nights to honor this family, this clan. Vowed to myself that i will protect them till i die. "

(Name) nodded, this General must be really respecting and dedicating himself to Toyotomi. She gently grabbed Mitsunari's hands before her (E/c) irises caught his, (Name) smiled.

" Thank you for your hard works Mitsu, but you need to rest as well. I don't want one of my best General fall in sickness, okay? "

Mitsunari taken aback, nobody ever suggest something like that to him, ever. He stared on the floor for a few second, before softly staring on (Name).

" Fine, i will retreat to my room. Goodnight "

Mitsunari immediately headed to his own room, and (Name) does the same.

' I have a good feeling that i can make the situation better! '

(Name) smiled when reached her room, and without further do she plopped to her bed and sleep.


*oh my lord i forgot about this, but Joseon : Korean Empire. Japan was invading to Korea once and retreated bcs of Korea + Mongol (China) decided to push Japan back *

What do you think if this story has two or more outcomes? Like there's another ending with other characters?

tell me what you think x'')

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