Chapter 2

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After school ended, Marinette followed Alya downstairs to the auditorium. She had to walk slowly since she had bruised her back so badly that morning.

"Mar, you really should check that out."

Marinette waved it off. "I'm fine! I'm not dancing in the musical, anyway. I just need to keep sewing these clothes and fitting. I'll sit down the whole time!" She gave Alya a thumbs up as the two girls walked into the auditorium where the cast was gathered on the stage. "What's going on?"

The director was frantic. She was hurriedly going through her notes. "Adrien, be sure to practice your jumps. They're not high enough! Nino, you keep missing your cue for the second scene opening. We need that music playing before the lights come on, not after! Mylene, overcome your stage fright! And Al--"

"I need to work on my dance steps. I got it." Alya waved as she joined the crowd.

The director paid her no notice. "Marinette!" She raced over to the petite girl. "I need those costumes ready by Friday. Can you do that?"

"All of them?" That's in three days!

"Yes," the director said. "The head of costume is out sick. She won't be able to make it to the last few rehearsals. Can you do it?"

Marinette was speechless. I have to do all of the costumes? For the sake of the show? She glanced quickly around the cast and tech members until her eyes landed on Adrien. He looked so tired.

"Yes. Yes I can. You can count on me!" Marinette said enthusiastically. She stood up straight, and jerked up her hand to salute. She suppressed another whimper as her back complained.

The director's face relaxed, and waved everyone out to get ready to run the show. Alya leaned into Marinette's ear. "You know that's nineteen costumes, right? One for everyone? You've only done five."

"I have to do it. For the sake of the show. Besides, the costume designer already did ten. I just need to finish the rest."

Alya rubbed her hand on Marinette's back. "All right. If you insist. I gotta go get ready."

Marinette waved goodbye. As soon as Alya was out of sight, she started freaking out.

"I have to make four costumes in two days!"


All throughout rehearsal Marinette had to sew tears, assign pairs of shoes to the ensemble, and fit Chloe into her dress.

It was horrible.

But when Adrien walked into the dressing room where Marinette was busy sewing up a tear in Cinderella's gown, she almost pierced her palm with the needle.

"Hey, Marinette," he said. "My jacket doesn't fit. It's too tight."

"Where is it too tight?" Marinette yanked her gaze from his gorgeous face to the costume, all business. She gestured for him to come closer. "I may have to find some more material to make it bigger."

"On my back."

Marinette measured and took notes on her notepad of Adrien's sizes. She helped him take off his coat and hung it up as extra clothing. "I'll make you a new coat. It'll be ready by tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Marinette, you're already doing all the other costumes!" Adrien's gaze was actually concerned.

Marinette blushed. She gave him a little pfft. "Oh, I'll manage. I love doing the costumes. Besides, the other costume tech will be helping." Marinette started to stand up but she yelped. She collapsed to her knees on the floor.

"Marinette!" Adrien knelt. "Are you sure you're okay?"

No. Marinette wanted to say. I want to go home and rest. But I can't. I must do these costumes. I will not disappoint everyone. I want to do things right!

"I'm fine. My legs were just weak. Sitting down for too long all day, I assume." Marinette let out a weak laugh. She then realized that her hands were resting in Adrien's. He was kneeling on the floor in front of her. She met his eyes.


Alya rushed in. Marinette quickly jerked away from Adrien. She stifled the pain as she sat down on the chair again. "What is it?"

"Girl, Chloe's throwing a fit about how you jabbed her with a needle on purpose." Adrien backed off so Alya could reach her friend. "She's bleeding, Mar. Did you really do it?"

Marinette's eyes widened. She jabbed Chloe? Was she so distracted by her back pain that she..."You think I did it? You think I made Chloe bleed? On purpose? Come on, Alya."

" and Chloe do have that feud...I don't know."

Marinette's stomach twisted. Adrien was watching her with a curious expression. "Come on, guys. I wouldn't purposely make Chloe bleed."


Tears came to Marinette's eyes. I just wanted to do things right, but I just messed everything up! "I can't believe that you don't believe me." Marinette stood up and walked out of the dressing room, the Cinderella dress abandoned. 


Hey guys! anicm here! This chapter is still a bit expository, but don't worry, our badass akumatized Marinette is coming! I still have to draw a picture for this chapter, but I'll get to that!

As always, comments help! I love to hear what my readers think! It helps me with my writing.

I wasn't sure if I wrote the characters right...but I tried for the most part. Lmk what you think!

peace out,


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