Unexpected love

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Nessa's Pov

Hey Roni I'm going to the grove,do you want to come with?''Yeah sure''Roni said.


So we walked out forever 21.''Hey Nessa I have to go to the bathroom real quick k''Roni said.Okay,I said.While Roni was in the bathroom I decided to walk around for a little bit just to relax,but my head was a bit to relaxed and not knowing what I was doing I bumped into somebody almost falling,but before I could fall they cought me

Marco Pov

"Oh sorry are you okay"I said."Yeah I think so"Our eyes meet.Hi I'm Marco I say whilst pulling her up and she hit my chest."Oh um my name is Vanessa but my friends call me Nessa,you can call me Nessa if you want"Nessa said.Okay Nessa are you here alone?"No my twin sister is here with me"Nessa said.You have a twin?"Yeah"Nessa said.

Roni Pov 

I'm out of the bathroom and I see Nessa in the arms of a guy.I go over and Uh Nessa what's going on here."Oh Roni its not what it looks like I was walking and I was not paying attention so I bumped into him and fell but he cought me and-"I cut Nessa off and said okay it fine you can tell me later but for now are you not going to introduce me."Oh yes Roni yes,Roni this is Marco,Marco this is Veronica but her nickname is Roni".You can call me Roni,I said."Nice to meet you Roni".Nessa we need to go."Oh okay bye Marco".Okay hold on here I'll give you my number".Marco said."Okay here it call me,bye"Marco said."Bye"Nessa said.Come on Nessa lets go.

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