Sister love and bromance

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Nessa POV

I just woke up,I'm still a little sad about what happened yesterday with Roni it scared the socks off of me.So today I've organized  a sister funday."Hey Roni come over here please?"I shouted."Hey Nessa what's up?"Roni asked."Roni today you and I are going somewhere together".I said."Okay cool,can I bring Aaron?"Roni asked."Roni this is a sisters day,you can't be away from Aaron for a few minutes".Roni said."Yes I can,I'm away from him when we go sleep".Roni said with a smile."Yeah then he comes over or you go over,Aaron and Marco can hang out today,right we're leaving in about an hour so get ready"."Yes ma'am".My phone buzzed its Marco.

Marco:Hey Nessa.


Marco:I want to ask if you would go somewhere with me

                                             Me:Sorry,Roni and I are going out

Marco:Maybe next time

                                             Me:You and Aaron can go out though have a boys night out

Marco:Yeah I guess,okay I'll do it

                                             Me:Okay I'll set it up,Bye


Roni POV

So since Nessa is setting up this thing for the guys,I better tell Aaron.

Me:Hey Aaron


Me:I can't hang out with you today

                                      Aaron:Why did I do something wrong?

Me:No Nessa and I are going to spend sometime with each other,you can hang out with Marco for a boys nice out.

                                      Aaron:Yeah lets do it,and I'm a man not a boy

Me:Okay sorry,anyhow bye


one hour later

"Nessa I'm done".I shouted."Okay lets go then".Nessa said.We both got in the car and put on the radio."Nessa where are we going?"I asked."Well first we're gonna watch a movie but not IT again,then we're going for ice cream then going to the grove to do some shopping".Nessa said."We're going to the grove,what if you fall into the arms of someone else".I said laughing."Ha ha very funny".Nessa said.

At the movie theatre 

"So what movie are we going to watch?".I asked."How about the emoji movie?"Nessa said."Yeah sure,lets go".I said.My phone buzzed.

Me:Hey Aaron,what's up

                                                     Aaron:Where must I meet this guy?

Me:Meet him at the park

                                                      Aaron:Okay enjoy

"Lets go in Roni".Nessa said.We entered.

Marco POV

I'm at the park waiting for this guy.I feel somebody tap my shoulder."Hey you must be Marco,I'm Aaron".Aaron said."Hi yeah I'm Marco".I said."What should we do now?".Aaron asked."Lets go bowling".I said."Yeah lets do that".Aaron said.

At bowling Arena 

"I have to admit I'm pretty good at bowling".Aaron said."Well see about that".I said.I bowled and I got a strike."Oh snap".I said."Yeah,yeah get out of the way".Aaron said bowling and getting a strike."What were saying Marco?"Aaron asked."Yeah okay,I wonder what the girls are doing".I said."Maybe girl stuff".Aaron said.

A few hours later

"Hey Marco do you like Nessa?".Aaron asked."Why are you asking?".I asked."You're always asking her out".Aaron said."Okay I admit I like her".I said."Dude why don't you just tell her?"Aaron asked."I don't know,anyway I'm going home,bye".I said."Okay bye".

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