Heart brake

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Roni POV

"Yesterday I had such a good time Nessa,thanks".I said."No problem Roni,see I can be just as fun as Aaron".Nessa said."Your both fun".I said."Yeah I guess".Nessa said.I peaked over Nessa's shoulders and saw she was messaging Lauren."Nessa why are you talking to Lauren?".I asked."No reason,just felt like it".Nessa said."Okay I was going to tell her about you and Aaron".Nessa said."Yeah thought so".I said."Go ahead".I said.Nessa typed as fast as she could and said."It feels so good to get that of my chest"."Okay I'm going out".I said."Okay bye".Nessa said."Bye".I said.

Nessa POV

I think I'll go out to.

At the grove

I was walking around and bumped into someone again.At this point I'm just going back to baby steps."Nessa nice to see you".The person said."Hey Aaron".(Sorry for bringing him up:-[)I said."I have not seen you since..."Aaron v w said."Yeah".I said."Nessa".Marco said."Hey Marco".I said."Who's this?".Marco said."This is a really good old friend".I said."What do you mean a good old friend?"Marco asked."Hey Nessa I have to go,chat later,bye".Aaron said."Bye".I said."Can you meet me by the dog park later".Why Mar-"Marco cut me off "Please".Marco said."Fine".I said.

At home

Well that was weird,I think Marco was jealous now I have to meet him later.I check my phone it 6:00 pm,I guess I should go."Hey Marco".I said."Hey Nessa".Marco said with a frown."What's wrong?"I asked."Nessa who is this really good friend?"Marco asked."His an old friend".I said."I feel like your not telling me everything".Marco said."If you want to know then I'll tell you".I said."Tell me please".Marco said."Okay maybe his more,we use to date,but we broke up".I said."But you still like him a little don't you".Marco said still frowning."No".I said."Doesn't seem like it".Marco said."I'm serious Marco".I said."You know what I was going to tell you how I feel".Marco said and walked away."Marco wait".I shouted and fell to my knees."I wanted to tell you how I feel too".I said mumbling  with a tear going down my cheek.

Marco POV 

I'm at home.What did I do,I shouldn't have acted that way with Nessa,just because I was jealous.I'm such an idiot.I get my phone and voice call her."Hello Nessa".I said but Roni picked up."Hello".Roni said."Hey Roni can I speak to Nessa please?".I asked."I don't think she wants to speak to you right now".Roni said."Pleas-"Roni switched the call off.Ugh why did I do this.I know who I can talk to.

15 minutes later

"Thanks for coming over Aaron".I said."No problem dude,but don't tell Roni I was here,she's still mad at you because you hurt Nessa".Aaron said."What am I going to do?"I asked."I don't know".Aaron said."I was going to tell her how I feel but I got over thrown with jealousy I couldn't".I said."Well make it up to her".Aaron said."How, she won't even pick up the phone".I said."Yeah I wouldn't to".Aaron said."Hey you should be helping me".I said."Yeah sorry".Aaron said."I'll take Nessa to the park and you can tell her how you feel there".Aaron said."Okay".I said.

To be continued...

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