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Aaron Pov

I invited Roni over because tonight I'm finally going to tell her how I feel because things have not been going well.Your probably wondering what happened,well long story short we fought and I was being a jerk,but know I'm finally going to surprise her with a rooftop dinner with lanterns,music and a surprise firework show.It all has to be perfect,just like Roni.

Roni Pov

Aaron invited me over to say sorry.Well I guess I got out of hand too so I'm going to get him a present,But before I go I need to do some dishes because Nessa went out,and I'm stuck with dish duty so time to do that.

Nessa Pov

I'm at the mall because I had to go grocery shopping."Hey!!!"I hear somebody shout."Hey,Vanessa right".The person said.Oh its you um Marco."Yeah so,um what are you doing?".Marco asked."Grocery shopping".I said."Hey since your here I was wondering if you mite want to grab some ice cream with me"."like know?"I asked."Yeah."Marco said."Okay let me just finish my grocery shopping and I'll be right with you".I said."I'll be waiting"Marco said with a smile on his face.About five minutes later I was done and back in front of Marco."So you ready milady"."Yes I am".I say whilst giggling."Lets go then".Marco said

Aaron Pov

Roni's on her way over and I'm just putting on the finishing touches.I hear someone knock on the door,that's her.I run to the door and open it,"Well hello little lady"I said."Hi".Roni said laughing."Hey Roni I'm really sorry about how I was last week,so I want to make it up to you".I said."Aaron I'm sorry about how I acted too,I reacted horrible"."Can we both just say we forgive each other?"."Yes".Roni said."Okay now you have to close your eye's".I said."Um okay".Roni said."put your hand on my shoulders".I said."Okay".Roni said.We walked on the rooftop."Okay open your eyes"I said

Roni Pov

I open my eyes."Wow Aaron it's amazing".I said."You did this for me?".I asked."I'd do anything for you".Aaron said as I giggle."I got something for you".I said."What?Roni you didn't have to".Aaron said."Close your eyes this time".I said."Okay".Aaron said."Here".I said."Roni this is amazing basketball gloves,I love it".Aaron said."It's not as great as yours".I said."No this is the best gift ever".Aaron said."Now shall we eat".I said and we both laugh.Aaron puled out a chair for me and we both start eating.

5 minutes later

We're done eating and Aaron starts playing music.We both start to slow dance."Aaron this evening couldn't get better".I said."Roni I have to tell you something".Aaron said."What is it?".I asked."Veronica Jo Merrell will you be my girlfriend?".Aaron asked."Aaron you are amazing and for that reason I'm say Yes!"I said and kissed Aaron,and just on time the fireworks go off."Aaron this was an amazing evening.""I'm glad you liked it".Aaron said."Wait till everyone hears RonRon or Aaronica whatever they want to call us is real".I said while I hug Aaron happy as can be.

Nessa Pov 

I'm having so much fun with Marco he is an amazing guy,he has amazing hair a cute smile the most amazing eyes any girl would like him,just like me I don't know there's something special about him,I feel like I've known him for a long time."Nessa this was the best time".Marco said."I know right I feel like I've known you forever, anyway I need to ask my sister if she is done with her date so she can come fetch me".I said."Oh no don't do that I can take you home".Marco said."Are you sure?".I asked."Never been this sure in my life".Marco said."Okay".I said.

At home

"Thanks for the lift Marco".I said."Anytime milady".Marco said."Bye".I said."Untill next time".Marco said

5 minutes later

Roni's just pulled up."Nessa I'm so sorry for not picking you up but I have something to tell and wait how did you get home?".Roni said."Calm down and Marco dropped me".I said."The same Marco who's arms you fell into?".Roni asked giggling."Yes,that Marco".I said."So your going on secret dates know huh Nessa".Roni said."No it was just getting ice cream now tell me your news".Roni grabbed my arm and pulled me up to her room."Aaron and I are official".Roni said."What that's great congrats".I said."thanks,now time to make Varco real".Roni said giggling.

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