No R + J, Please

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"So, Y/N, you were in a bad crash after leaving Mr. Egerton's house; according to him. It wasn't your fault. The other driver who hit you was drunk and on drugs. He's going to be sentenced with six months in jail for drinking and driving. But, since it was a hit-and-run crash, he will get 18 months in jail all together." the doctor, who you've come to find out is Dr. Harford, explains. He has photos on his phone that the ambulance sent soon after picking you up. 

You look at them. Your vehicle was completely wrapped around a light pole, which is leaning sideways. The other vehicle is smashed into the side of your car. 

"Will they pay for repairs?" you ask, knowing that your car is far beyond being repaired.

"Well, the damage he will pay and that should be enough for a new vehicle. He will also pay the doctor bills." Dr. Harford says. He shows Taron the photos as well, letting him know what happened.

There are more photos that show the car from different angles and then a few of you in the ambulance. 

"So, how long should it take for me to recover?" you ask.

"Well, you can go home today but the fracture, since it's only a hairline, is probably going to take six to eight weeks. I can't say anything for sure because something might happen that we can't predict, but it should still work. If your director would allow it, you could probably use the cast in the scenes from now on because I heard there was a car crash on there as well."

"You heard about the show?" you ask, a confused look crowding your face.

"Yes, well, Taron told me about it." he says. Taron looks over at you shyly and blushes. "He was very glad you were going to be his "partner in crime" in the movie."

"Oh, okay. Thank you." you say, smiling up at Dr. Harford.

"Well, there isn't much more here to say. You can leave as soon as you wish and whenever you want. Just make sure to check in with us." he says, leaving the room. He hangs up his clipboard before completely exiting the room.

"Well, are you ready to go then?" asks Taron.

"Yeah. Let's go."

He helps you out of bed and you leave the room, walk down to the front (thank god for elevators), and check out. 

Once you get in Taron's vehicle, he asks you if everything is okay.

"Yeah, I guess. My car, though, doesn't seem too good. I just bought that thing."

"Yeah, well, your "car, though" is going to be replaced." he laughed. "Just be glad it was your life that wasn't wrecked. If it was, you'd have to live without me. And I'm not too in to that "Romeo and Juliet" stuff."

You laugh. "That would be horrible," you say sarcastically, "But hey, I'm not into it either."

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