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Here are some October Birthday fun facts for you to enjoy:
🌅 You have two birthstones - opals and tourmaline. It is said an opal will crack if worn by someone not born in October!
🌅 Your birth flower is Calendula, which is in the marigold family, and is valued for its medicinal and healing properties.
🌅 You are classified as the "Peacemaker" in astrology and are strongly motivated by a desire for  justice and strive to maintain harmony in all areas of your life.
🌅October was originally the eighth month of the Roman calendar. It comes from the Latin word "octo" meaning eight. Later, it became the 10 th month when January and February added to the calendar.
🌅 October folklore says that if deer have a grey coat in October , expect a hard winter.

🌅 October folklore says that if deer have a grey coat in October , expect a hard winter

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