Chapter 3

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The rest of the day I try to avoid Molly, embarrassed that I had completely blown her off for someone that isn't as amazing as her.

"Axel!" I hear a familiar voice call out. I turn around to find where Molly is in the crowded hall. When she sees my face she waves a hand to get my attention.

"Hey Molly." I say when I finally reach where she stands and waits for me.

"Hey." She replies.

"Listen, I'm sorry about ditching you this morning. I should have walked you to class. I was a total jerk." I apologized sincerely.

"It's fine." She was lying. I could tell by the way she looked down at the ground with disappointment.

I decided it best to take it for what it was and move on, "What do you have this period?"

"Study hall."

"Same." I waited for a response and after a moment of none I continued, "Do you want to go out to the courtyard? It's such a nice day. Who knows when it will be like this next?"

"Sure." She said as we turned the corner that led to the entrance of the school building.

The courtyard was the place where a lot of students went to play soccer or football, read, study, eat lunch, hang out, or just walk around. There was always a teacher monitoring to make sure no one got hurt and no one left the campus. Along with a teacher, there was always a group of popular kids around the courtyard, they weren't mean and they weren't really bullies, they just didn't socialize with people like Molly and I. A few would but most were too bratty to talk to anyone but the people that made them look good.

"So, how's Jake doing?"

"Oh...Yeah...Well you see I've been meaning to talk to you about him." She said nervously as we walked outside, onto the luscious green grass that filled the courtyard.

"What did he do this time?" I said, annoyed and angry.

Jake was known for being an inappropriate guy who couldn't keep his hands to himself. He had picked the wrong girl to victimize this time though. Molly was innocent and vulnerable, she didn't understand how terrible Jake really was. Luckily she had me to help and I made sure that any time he did or said something , I took it into account. I mostly hoped he would slip up just so I could show him his place.

It was time for me to take things into my own hands. I had to put Jakes terrible ways to a stop and I had to show Molly that I would actually beat someone up if they messed with her.

What I didn't know was, that conversation would start something unexpected. Now...Now I wish I had handled that situation differently than I did. Maybe then I wouldn't regret so much now and maybe Molly wouldn't be so mad at me.

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