Chapter 13

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"Oh my God, Axel!" Molly was standing in front of me, "What the heck did he do to you?"

I stood there, staring straight foreword, not even looking at her. I was mad, mad that she didn't do anything to help, mad that she left me with Jake, mad that I couldn't do anything but resort to terrible things to protect her, mad at myself for being so stupid and weak and scared.

"Nothing! I fell, okay?" I didn't mean to be snappy or a jerk. It just...came out and I couldn't stop myself.

Molly was concerned, she looked mad, she looked scared. We had both been scarred by choices each of us made, options each of us had, people we had seen and talked to and got involved with. Perhaps, everything we did was completely wrong.

"I know you didn't fall, Axel!" She lectured me, her voice was strict yet soft and sweet, kind of like my mother's, "I know Jake and his gang took you!"

I waited for her to go on but she didn't and that was my cue to speak up and explain myself, "Molly, yes Jake and his gang took me. They let me go. I was running back to my house, I was exhausted and everything, so I passed out."

"Tell me the truth!" Her eyes were filling up with tears, her voice was strained as she tried not to cry. She had dark circles around her eyes, they were bloodshot, it looked like she had been sleepless for a few nights and it seemed to be catching up with her.

"I'm telling you the truth. Now, I have things to do." I pushed past her, trying to avoid any more talk about the events of last night. It was like no one wanted me to forget my mistake.

A text came through my phone, saving me from more of Molly's questioning:

Jake: Did you deliver the backpack?

Me: Yeah, now leave us alone!

Jake: Not until you finish the jobs!

Me: There's more?! No way man!! I'm not doing this crap anymore!!

Jake: I guess you don't really want Molly to be safe then. Guess the gang is going out tonight.

Me: Wait!! No!! Leave her alone!

Jake: Not until you finish what you've started!

Me: Fine!

Jake: We meet at the park, 10 tonight.

Me: Whatever!

Jake: What was that?

Me: I said ok!

Jake: That's what I thought!

I thought this nightmare would be over now, I had done what Jake had told me to do, now he wants more!

The halls emptied out as the bell rang but I stayed put, standing like an idiot in the hall, phone at hand. Once no one was in the hall I slammed my fist into a locker, my forehead followed, sending shocks of pain through my head. I spun my body around so my back was leaning against the row of lockers. My butt slid to the floor and my hands moved up towards my face.

I wouldn't tell anyone else if they asked but in that moment I felt something that I hadn't felt in a long time. I felt tears forming in my eyes, I felt...depressed, I felt lost and alone. The tears slipped down my face one by one, my nose started running. I had no where to go, no where to hide, I was trapped and I didn't know what to do.

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