God Bring The Rain

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As I sit here listening to the thunder rolling
through the sky, I often wonder how to do
make the thunder sound so scary.

As I sit here listening to the lightening crash
and flash across the sky I wonder why is that
so violent and sound to scary to me.

As I sit here listening to all of the action
that is taking place outside i am comforted
to know that you are in control of each and
every thing that you send our way,

As a child I use to be so scared of
thunderstorms but now as an adult
I know what to expect when you bring
the rain out way, I read once in the bible
that you God all powerful loving God sent
a storm to teach us the world a lesson.

but that's not the case here, you bring
the rain to nurture the earth to give life
to that which you have made with your
wonderful hands, you want to replenish
the earth not destroy it that all comes later.

God you be in on that rain and we
will keep thanking you for it, sometimes
you bring the rain to remind us that you are
in control of every circumstance that comes
our way.

Bring on the rain and keep it coming

~Erica Maples ~

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