6:Love thy neighbor

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Amaris POV


I stood still staring a the man in front of me as he looks me up and down hungrily from my black heals to my  dress that covers barely anything.

"Mr.Arashi I would like you to meet my daughter"The lady that I use to call my mom says pushing me forward as I look anywhere but at him. "She is going to join as this evening, As we discuss the deal and arrangements"She continues with a huge smirk on her face.

"She is lovely "He say taking my hand in his bringing it to his lips kisses it then when my mother wasn't looking licking it saying I am his.

"Isn't she?Now let's go discuss to arrangements and maybe a prize"My 'mother' says saying that last part towards me with a smirk.

"Yes lets"He replies smirking, walking by me hitting my butt as he walks past towards my 'mother'.

~End of dream~

I woke up with a jump sitting up with sweat on my forehead and unshed tears in my eyes.

"Are you okay?"A energetic voice rings out beside me where Hades is seating right beside me.

"Oh yeah that always happens"I whisper towards the voice.

"I was so worried that my daughter got hurt"Tamaki say hugging me tightly.

"Let go of me"I yell shakily trying to get out of his grib.

"It seems that you fainted due to stress and over stimulation Ms.Mitzuki"Another voice say causing me to turn my head to see Kyoya looking into to his no~DEATH NOTE!!!!

"As I said before it happens all the time don't worry about it"I say in a slitly louder whisper still trying to get out of Tamaki's death hug.

"Why does this not show in any of your records?"He asks with the light shinning off his glasses.

"Because the doctors don't know why it happens"I lie."Now we have to or we will be late"I say blankly "Senpai please get off of me"I say annoyed flicking his forehead. 

"Ow ow You hurt"He says running to a corner.

"Hey where is my brothers and sister?"I ask looking around frantically.

"Oh they went home when your mom called"Haruhi says from the couch a cross from me.

"I need to go"I say standing up frantically."Let's go Hades"I say running out of the door with Hades right beside me."Oh I can'tr believe they left without me and with that Hag"I mumble while running down the hall.

~Small time skip to when she gets home~

"Come on Hades we have to hurry before anything happens"I yell out running out of the car and towards the build in which I live.

"HAHA!!HELP!!"A little girl voice yelled out as soon as she opened the door.Seeing my 'mother' dangling Tyler in the air,Taylor has bruises all over his arms neck and face and Kiki had bruises all of her body with a couple scratches added to the mix.  

"Let them go"I say in a dangerously calm voice trying to hold back the tears walking over to my sorry accuse for a mom.

"No they need to learn a lesson that we haven't had in a long while"She replies with a smirk tighting her grib on Tyler's neck.

"You old hag that is child abuse you can go to jail for that but I am not a child so it is legal for you to hit me and besides wouldn't it get you more money"I say with a sad look avoiding the looks of my siblings.

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