Chapter 2: The Game Begins

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The second school week began with double Transfiguration - Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Traditionally it was with Slytherin, but due to the magical duel that Black and Malfoy arranged at the end of last year, proffesors decided to postpone the battle Gryffindor vs Slytherin till the Potions.

Professor McGonagall personally expressed her opinion to Dumbledore about students disrupting transfiguration exam and ending up in a hospital room with numerous fractures. "Cockfighting, Albus, is not what I teach students!" she told headmaster in front of the whole school and he conceded with a sigh.

On this bright day the Marauders decided to come to classes without delay and, as Sirius Black woken by inexorable Lupin put it "For the first and last time this term." Remus only shook his head with a smile, mockingly examining Black on whom he had just practiced Aguamenti as a way of awakening.

"Even James woke up with no such drastic measures, Padfoot. Is it really so difficult to wake up at least twenty minutes before period?"

"Do you really think that I want to exchange precious twenty minutes of erotic dream with Maygrid Callaghan to seeing your boring face?" Black waved his wand, trying to dry his clothes and head, as a result his pants began to char, hair rose and flared. "Holy shit!"

"You look like a dandelion," James laughed. "Callaghan will definitely approve of your new image. And by the way, who is she?"

"Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff... Who cares?" Sirius muttered, jumping on one leg and trying to pull off ruined pants. "Argh! It's burning!"

"Yah you!" Remus suddenly turned around, waving his hand. "Peter, let's go without them. There's no use in them in classes anyway."

Accompanied by the indignant cries of their friends, Remus and Peter went down the stairs and headed for the lesson.


The class was almost completely filled with students. Ravenclaws, as the most responsible and aspiring to knowledge representatives of Hogwarts, sat at desks in full force. Someone was laying out parchment sheets, feathers and jars of ink, someone was concentrating on the textbook.

Gryffindors in the majority (or more likely in minority) dropped their heads on the folded hands and sweetly dozed. Some of them snored from time to time.

On the first desk, completely ignoring surprised looks, sat a black-haired girl. Her hair was tied in a tight tail with a green ribbon. Throwing her legs in heavy black boots on the table, she meticulously examined the nails on her right hand and drummed impatiently with fingers of left hand. Her black robe was carelessly flung open, hanging from her shoulder and sweeping the dust under the table.

Beata Sprinkles, the best student of Slytherin.

"Sprinkles! You're in wrong class!" Black lifted an eyebrow, looking at her mockingly.

The girl glanced at him briefly, a venomous smirk spread across her face.

"You look great, Black. New style? Honestly, I'm somewhat surprised to see you here. I didn't think you ever went to the class so far, right up to the first row. I don't think I should report you, but I'm waiting for Parker. Clear the horizon, weirdo, your hair fills the whole space."

Black, who was about to say something equally sarcastic, was unceremoniously interrupted.

"Sprinkles, take your dirty feet off my clean table," Parker marched straight to the girl, without forewords pushing her off the chair and throwing the bag on the countertop.

"Oh Merlin, Parker, don't be so boring," Beata moaned, not very gracefully rising from the floor and dusting herself off.

Parker looked even more gloomy than usual. Black hair was inaccurately tied with an elastic band, the robe was crocheted and buttoned up to the last button. High, with a straight back and proudly raised head. When she turned to Black, he heard the sound of a sword being taken out of its scabbard. Her gaze acquired a cutting edge that strangely organically combined with a soft, ironic smile.

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