Chapter 28: Victims

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Shaking and bloodied students were sitting on wreckage of the building and looking in horror at the ruins from under which Aurors pulled the victims out.

McGonagall was counting kids. She looked as if she had returned from the hell itself. Someone cut her face, miraculously missing her eye, but Professor paid no attention to this. With trembling hands and lips, she walked among the students, striking off a list names of all those who remained alive. Her voice as always was confident and tough, but nightmare of the experienced and boiling hatred froze in her eyes.

"Lily Evans!" she shouted, looking around for the girl confidently as if she couldn't imagine that Evans wouldn't survive.

"Lily Evans!" McGonagall repeated louder, her voice trembling.

"Li-" she froze.

James Potter, furiously fighting off Peter and Aurors, was eager to run to ruined building. Tears in his eyes.

✨ ✨ ✨

"Edgar," Emily said hoarsely, popping up on her elbows. Her throat was dry. "Edgar!" she hissed, starting to shake the guy as if he was her only chance to be saved.

They fought shoulder to shoulder until something huge fell from above, pulling Death Eaters down. Bones was unshakable like the only thing he had been doing all his life was learning to fight. But at the end, when Emily turned around and accidentally met his eyes, she couldn't restrain a sigh. Edgar was fighting only on strength of mind. Strange, impossibly grateful admiration flooded Emily to the very tips of her fingers, but there was no time to praise.

Edgar was unconscious and his legs were pressed down by a heavy joist that had fallen probably from the very top when the building as if split into two parts began to fall apart. Together with Edgar, Emily lost faith in herself, although she understood how pitiful and cowardly it was.

The growl from the side chilled Parker to the bones.

Softly walking on wounded paws, one of the most disgusting creatures in the world was looking at her. Excessively long clawed paws, elongated skull, yellow huge fangs, dirty gray fur, unblinking eyes with huge irises. Werewolf.

Emily with wide eyes looked at Remus's unnatural yellow animal eyes. For some reason, she knew for sure that it was him and not someone else.

"Remus," she breathed and smiled. "They got you, didn't they?"

The werewolf jumped over the joist, clenched his jaw right in front of Emily's nose and immediately recoiled; recognition flashed in his eyes. He turned with horror and rushed away from the building. Only a minute later, Parker realized how close she was to joining her fellow students in the land of dead.

Edgar groaned softly, opening his eyes and squinting at unusually bright light that was beating from the cracks in the wall, and the Ravenclaw sighed with relief. She lowered her eyelids and leaned back, wishing to rest a little.

✨ ✨ ✨

"Evans, fuck! Evans!" Sirius was ready to hit the girl's head on the floor and his own head too if only Lily woke up. "Evans, if you die, your four-eyes will have no one left, you hear?"

But Lily was speechless, her head was strongly hit against the wall, and that Death Eater... Sirius snarled, who knew what else this scum was going to do; but he died, which, according to Black, was too merciful.

Sirius sighed and stood up. His head immediately started spinning, but he didn't have time for whining. Massaging his temples, Sirius took a deep breath and lifted Evans.

The noise from the side made Sirius squeeze into the wall, but recognizing the voice, he let out a sigh of relief and almost laughed out loud.

Alive, against his will slipped in his head.

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