Chapter 17: After St. Valentine's Day

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Was it stupid? Yes. Insane, irrational, spontaneous? Yes. Was it like suicide? Almost.

James looked thoughtfully into the distance from the top of one of the hills. Hogwarts generally abounded with uneven terrain and finding a place that provided a magnificent view wasn't difficult. At the moment, for example, the Gryffindor saw an immense snowy space, untouched by either muggle or wizard - only a lonely string of hare traces crossed the field. It was quiet, peaceful and so cold that the pain inside gradually faded away.

He was wondering if Dumbledore knew what was going on. That James decided to follow Slytherins, Regulus in particular. That Sirius fully supported him; only stubbornly tightened his lips and vaguely shook his head when James carefully reminded that Regulus was his brother.

Did Albus know - and James could no longer call headmaster as before, no longer feeling that respect and blind admiration - that Prongs and Padfoot had almost come up with a plan? That they intended to get close to Voldemort and take revenge. Even if they won't manage to kill him, they would able to get closest supporters of the Lord and make their life miserable. Malfoys and Blacks were their goal - two oldest pureblood families and two biggest problems.

James was stubborn and headmaster's speeches no longer had their effect on him. Potter was perfectly aware why Dumbledore was acting in a roundabout way, hiding his actions. He is the headmaster of a school, respected wizard of the Wizengamot, and risking to say something against Ministry, he can lose not only his post. He will immediately lose the power so essential for the Order of the Phoenix to provide at least some kind of confrontation with Voldemort.

To take such a desperate risk, one needed more compelling reason than some Dark Lord and a bunch of his supporters who don't really show themselves.

James was just a student. Even if caught, no one can blame the Order, and if he achieves the goal... Albus will have to endorse James's actions. But sit and wait for the end of the seventh year? So Dumbledore would tell again that James was too impulsive and hot-headed to act alone? No, thank you!

AB timely reminded of themselves, suddenly attacking Emily and Lupin. James was surprised. Lupin during that Quidditch match proved himself on the pitch as reasonable and confident wizard. And the fact that AB would touch Emily... Of course, unknown jokers couldn't suspect Emily Parker as 'root of all evil' who started this whole game, but for some reason Marauders got so used to this idea that everyone was sure - Beata and Emily are untouchable.

And now, when Emily and Lupin were in the line of fire, James could calmly lay low and do his own business. If he could, he would've thanked AB, although a month ago he was ready to tear them to shreds.

Potter rose from the ground, shaking himself off snow and wrapping tightly in his woolen robes, and looked thoughtfully back. Prince, puffing and folding his wings, watched him closely, as if to check if James wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Don't worry, pal," Potter smirked. "I'm the picture of innocence."

Prince hooted doubtfully and, spreading his mighty wings, took off. One could've thought that he was going to report to his original owner, but James somehow knew - this time AB really wanted to help, not trying to frame Potter or play a trick on him.

✨ ✨ ✨

"Where's Remus?" Emily asked as she entered Gryffindor common room.

"Emily, you got the wrong tower," Black responded lazily. He smelled of expensive whiskey and quality tobacco - the usual smell for him in the last couple of weeks. One could only wonder where Sirius took money.

"Not at all! He's hiding from me again!"

"The full moon," Peter whispered and wiggled his eyebrows meaningfully.

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