Chapter 65: Farewell

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They were saying goodbye.

Dozens of tiny figures in black robes littered the shore, each holding a lighted paper lantern.

Sirius looked ahead, seeing only a blurred black silhouette in front of him and inhaling the strong smell of tobacco and leather. His smell. Her smell. He held a flashlight in his hands, feeling freedom because all games, wars, competitions and rivalries for him were over.

Remus looked at the quivering flame of a candle in his flashlight and thought about Emily standing nearby and the shadows dancing in her glassy eyes. She looked like a broken doll, and there was nothing left in Remus's soul that wouldn't be concerned about her.

James stood with his head thrown back, one arm wrapped around Lily's waist while she was whispering something to him. They seemed the only ones happy here.

Lily stretched out her hands as if releasing a bird. The flashlight, swaying in a lilac haze, swam upward as if carried away by an invisible hand. Following it, more and more glowing lights began to rise into the air.

Girls got tears in their eyes. Guys wanted to seem strong, frowning their brows and tightly closing their lips. Professors stood behind them all, each releasing their own lantern and just like all these girls and boys whispering something to the sky.

And behind them all, the AB mark burned above the school, radiating emerald and blue.

Sirius left the lake first. No one, except for James, noticed how his back disappeared in the dark, but James had no words of consolation, and Sirius did not want to listen to them. They would still be a lie.

The professors left, then those who had nothing more to say; only the most persistent stayed. Many continued to hold hands so it would not be so lonely and scary. For a moment, all four houses united and again broke up into separate parts. Soon, they will all go to their common rooms, wrap themselves up in cozy blankets, fall asleep, and the next day only thoughts of exams and everyday life will remain in their heads.

"Wait!" Emmeline Vance called out. "Don't you wanna answer our questions?" She smiled and her curls jumped.

Lily glanced at James, who winked reassuringly.

"Okay. Uh," the previous feeling of greatness and power over the crowd left Lily without a trace, and it embarrassed her.

"Everyone welcome to Black Lake!" James yelled. "Take blankets, pillows, sweets and everything you find in the kitchen. Let's arrange a farewell with bonfires, butterbeer, cigarettes and fun!"

The sleepy students started, looked at each other, and nodded. An hour later, a camp was formed on the Black Lake. Lily and James were the center of attention, the rest settled around a big bonfire.

Neither Regulus nor Snape were here. They were afraid to come, given that the marks were darkening on their arms. Narcissa was the only Slytherin, sitting on a luxurious handmade rug. She was the only one here did not look disheveled or sleepy, shining in all her glory.

Fire reflected in Lily's eyes. "Should I begin?"

Approving hum was her answer.

"Let's start with Regulus. As he once told me, he became interested in the idea, nothing more. That letter to Beata and Emily, he sent it more like a joke. He did not know that they would answer him and was very surprised when they did."

Lily sipped butterbeer for courage, wiping foam from her lips.

"Regulus didn't take part so often. When we planted James and Sirius in bed with Severus and Lucius, everyone was involved. Except McGonagall. But this-" Lily glanced at the dark figure lurking in the trees. "It was Severus's idea."

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