1- House warming

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My Mom had always wanted the American dream. A white picket fence, a blue painted house with bright white windows. A letterbox with the family name on it. She was finally getting to achieve her dream when we moved to Hawkins, Indiana. A new up and coming town that had been all over magazines for their new builds.

Of course my mother snatched up the chance to move their when her real estate tycoon fiancée Kurt had offered the chance to move here. Standing outside the pale blue house a nervous feeling bubbled in the pit of my stomach. As a 14 year old girl, moving away to start at a new middle school in the middle of eighth grade was definitely not what I was hoping for. In fact, leaving all of my previous friends behind to move in with my new step family wasn't at all what I'd wanted. I sigh as I look over at the neighbouring homes. Each of them belonging to stereotypical rich white families.

Looking down at the white fence I pick away at it's white paint when a hand gently taps me on the shoulder. I turn to see my mum holding some flowers smiling down at me.

"Y/N my love would you take these to the neighbors there's only one for next door." She states passing me the bouquet of peonies. I wrinkle my nose taking them with my pale hand covered in chipped neon nail varnish.

The only neighbour's we had were next to us, in a large White House. Our house was on the end of the street as it was the newest one on our road. Carrying the peonies I slowly weave my way through the movers taking in our furniture and make my way to the large White House. Lifting the door knock up I take in a deep breath and knock on the door. I wait a while kicking the stones on the floor with my feet, until a tall boy with messy black hair opens up the door. I gulp nervously shoving the flowers into his arms. He looks taken aback for a second and raises a brow.

"So you areee?" He asks whilst looking behind him, he seemed distracted.

                        "New to the neighborhood, My name is Y/N and my mum wanted me to give these to you to say hi." I state still kicking the stones with my doc martens.

"Uh ok. Well new to the neighborhood, you play DND?" He questions, with a raised brow.

A lump raises in my chest. I had been obsessed with DND for a while now, I even had my OC set up and ready to play. She was a wood elf named aspen who fought with a small rapier.

                   "Is the brass horn of vahalla rare?" I ask with a raised brow.

"No way! Come right in and meet the guys! I'm Mike by the way." He exclaims rushing me into his house. As a look behind at my mother, I give her a thumbs up as she gives me a strange look.

As the door slams behind me, I peer around it was a nice home with a bright clean white carpet and yellow striped walls. Ahead of us is a ebony wood table with a beautiful China lamp on top. The table sits next to a white door of which Mike swings open causing it to hit the table.

"Mike will you stop slammin' that god damned basement door!" Shouts a man's voice, whom I presume to be mikes dad.

I start to get nervous now. I've pranced into a neighbour's home who I don't know, and I'm following him into the basement. Yes he's a child like me, but you can never trust anyone.

The yellow walls of the basement glow beside me as I carefully step down into a dimly lit room. In the middle of the room sit three other boys of a similar age. As they all turn to look at me I feel nervous in my childish overalls. Suddenly I'm startled by a female voice beside me.

"Do I know you?" She questions, a girl with a brunette pixie cut. She's also wearing overalls with a large flannel shirt on top. This puts me slightly at ease. I scan her face. She looked so familiar but I just couldn't place a finger on where I'd seen her before.

                            "Maybe we've met before, my name is  Y/N Watson and you?" I question still wracking my brain to remember where I'd seen her before.

"El-J-Jane Hopper." She replies still giving me a strange look.

I sigh scratching the side of my head.

                          "Weird. I recognise you." I reply before shrugging it off.

"That's weird because well.. she's lived in Hawkins for her whole life." Replies a curly headed boy while shiftily looking beside him at the other two boys.

One with a bowl cut just nods nervously and the other, an African American boy nods enthusiastically in agreement.

                                    "Oh well um, I came from Seattle. It's very different from Hawkins." I reply whilst shifting my feet awkwardly. Mike smiles at me to the dismay of Jane whom frowns.

"Well that's Will on the left and on the right is Lucas. We were nearing the end of our campaign. It's been going on for a few weeks now." States Mike of whom I assumed was dungeon master.

The curly headed boy stood up awkwardly knocking over the statues in front of him. He smiles a toothy grin which causes his bright blue eyes to somewhat sparkle. I feel my face heat up slightly. He was cute.

"I'm Dustin by the way." He states with a slight lisp before sitting back down, his face had dropped and his cheeks were a bit rosy now.

"You can watch until the campaign finishes." Smiles will still looking somewhat sweaty and nervous.

I just nod in agreement and take a seat beside Jane on the sofa. Feeling contented I had finally made some friends.

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