chapter 2

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The picture above is of Frankie.
Cast so far:
Frankie Valentine: Gwen Van Meir
Leo Jacob: Dylan Jordan


I lie frozen in place. Fuck. I don't remember asking to share rooms with someone, I guess that's what I get for not fully reading the terms and conditions.

I open my eyes and slowly start to look up. My eyes trail up to his torso. Oh my God. He's shirtless. Tracing his abs with my eyes I look up to see non other than Mr Gorgeous aka Leo.

Well there goes my dignity.

"Oh Hey, it's you! We met outside the restaurant before. Do you remember?"

"Um... Yeah I do." I mumble, hoping he does hear me so I can forget this all happened.

"Well it looks like we're bunking. Your bed is over there." He points his arm over to the next room over. I take this time to admire the way his muscular arm flexes, and I'm lost for a second till he speaks again, provably weirded put by my silence.

"Or you can have this bed if you like, but they told me I'd be bunking with a girl so I thought you might like the privacy of having your own room while we're here." Wait, how come he got told, not to self maybe I should check my emails more. "By the way your still sitting on my lap and I think my legs are falling asleep." And with that he gives the most amazing smile as I turn i brighter shade of red than before. I almost run off of him trying not to embarrass me more by staying on him for much longer. But my foot gets tangled in the sheets and I head face forwards into the ground. A hear a loud thud as pain shoots through my skull.

"Holy crap are you okay?" His husky voice seemed to put me to sleep as the darkness takes over.

I wake up surrounded in a wave pattern that covers my whole bedroom, from the covers on my duna to the lampshades next to my bed. I reach up to feel a large lump on my forehead. Good job Frankie you made yourself look like a complete idiot in front of a living god.

A few minutes later Leo came in with a got cup of tea.

"Oh good your awake, I made you some coffee but decided that coffee was a bad idea seeing as you don't need anymore energy after the amount of adrenalin in your system after falling over so I made you some tea. I didn't know what kind you wanted so I made all of them." He seemed too cute for words right now, the way he mummbled and jumbled his words, along with the rambling made me swoon. Then I realise that he doesn't have just one cup of tea, he is holding a silver try with about 5 different cups on it. My heart starts to flutter as I realise that he went to all this trouble just for me. Or it could just be the adrenalin still wearing off.

He quietly sits at the foot of my bed and places the tea on my bedside table. He has the kindest look in his green eyes as he stares right into my hazel ones. I notice the bags under his eyes, did he stay up all night making sure I was okay?

"I have something to ask." His voice was quiet and even more silky that I remembered. "I'm moving into a new place in Melbourne this week because its closer to my uni and I'm renting giant place with about 3 bedrooms. I was planing on finding some friends to live with me but it turns out all my friends already have nice places. So I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me, it would make the rent cheaper and I wouldn't be so lonely." My heart suddenly stops, did this god just ask me to move in with him? I must have hit my head really hard back there.

"How did you know I was moving?" I ask shyly.

"Well I saw the boxes in your car when you were leaving the restaurant." Wow he is one big observer. Oh shit what if he is a murderer, you can't just ask people that you don't know to move in with you. "How do you know I'm not a murderer?" I blurt out before I can stop myself. He chuckled, HE CHUCKLED! It was music to my ears.

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