chapter 7.

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AN: Alrighty I'm so sorry. I need to stop doing this I've left you for about 2 weeks and now I've come back with the smallest chapter ever. Ughhh why is life so hard sometimes. Anyway I'm going through something rn so I won't stick to an uploading routine so just expect surprises.

Thanks for understanding. And as I said the last chapter I will be writing some mental health stuff into my chapters so expect that this and next chapter. This one is kinda mild but I wanted to start slow with a bit of stress and anxiety, with a touch of depression because they all come hand in hand don't they *eye roll * it's great.

Ahh this is too long sorry have fun reading I'll try and you are soon!


"Um, hi I guess." I say still shaking Riley's hand. "yeah that doesn't really explain why you are here and have a key to the house..." I continue slightly hesitantly. Quickly removing my hand from hers. blushing profusely in embarrassment as she now probably thinks I'm strange because I kept our hands together longer than normal people would. Oh, God. It's been what 2 minutes and I've already ruined any future friendships u may have had with this girl.

"Ah yes, I was hoping you wouldn't ask that," she says with a mischievous look on her face. "Can we keep the fact that I have a key to your house a secret for now? I was actually just testing it our because I'm using it to through Leo a surprise party for his birthday later this month."

"Yeah, um I'm pretty sure your still not supposed to do that..." I say not sure what else to say in this instance. 

"Well its too late now, anyway i should leave before Leo gets here. sooo..." She quickly adds something as she is walking toards the door. "Oh and your cool, I get why Leo hangs out with you" before she slams the door shut after giving me a small wave.

Im left alone thinking everything through in my head. Im just now realizing that it is probably not the best idea to be living with someone whos house gets broken into every other day.

I continue to stare at the door in disbelief.

Firstly, Leo's birthday is in less than a month and he didn't tell me!

Secondly, I am currently living in a house, with some guy that I don't super really know what so ever. This house also gets broken into by people he knows every other day.

And thirdly, I'm letting my sister live here in about a month.

Oh god what have i done.

I'm going to die here probably by the hands of some random person who breaks into Leo's house in the next couple if weeks.

I start breathing quickly.

He probably won't even care that I'm gone. It's not like we've known each other for even year. I have known this guy for 2 months. 2 MONTHS FOR GOD SAKE!

I fall to my knees breathing quicker.

My dad won't even notice. It's not like her will care either. He didn't even remember my 18th birthday. The last call i got from him was 3 years ago. I didn't even know he took up drinking.

I start to see black dots covering my vision.

I'll never even get to say goodbye to Immy. The last time I saw her was 1 year ago when we were at out cousins wedding. That was also the only time she ever met out step sister. God I won't miss that bitch or my over protective step dad. Like he's not even my real dad! He only cared because he knew my mum liked me and wanted her to love him. Manipulative bitch.

My vision keeps getting worse and I fall to the ground as the darkness takes over.

The last thing I remember is the sound of the door opening and a distant voice yelling something before I'm gone completely.


As I said metal health n shit.

As always,
Lots of love, Lily xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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