chapter 6.

14 4 10

AN: Its been too long I'm so sorry!


1 month till Immy arrives:

"LEO WHERE ARE YOU, I NEED HELP!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

He quickly ran into my room, a look of panic adorned his beautiful features, which quickly turned into annoyance as he realized there was no immediate threat. "Frankie you have to stop doing that, it freaks me out."

"Noted, but I really do need your help," I whine, adding puppy dog eyes as a backup.

"Okay what do you need me to do," he says sweetly like he hadn't just gotten annoyed at me. It must have been the puppy dog eyes, I'll have to remember that.

"I need to write a resume and I don't know how," I whine again as he sits next to me on my fluffy blanket, pulling my laptop from my hands and onto his lap.

"Did they teach you nothing at school?" He questions.

"I went to public school," I sigh.

"Makes sense," he whispered and I slap him on his arm, feeling his muscles tense at my touch, or maybe the fact that I slapped him but any who. "Alright let's see what we have here... Wait you speak French?" He questions reading what I have already written.

"Yeah we learnt at school but I continued doing it because I'm that kind of person," I say cracking a smile, he chuckled at my comment and I almost swooned at that sweet melodic sound. I swear that sound  would stop babies from crying.

"And you play piano," he adds with an impressed look on his face. "I think I should show you something..." he says while slowly getting up.

"Um, Okay," I say half smiling, questioning my words.

He takes my hand and lifts me off the bed, they feel soft and strong at the same time. I have to find out what hand cream he uses. I think, giggling to myself, with him giving me a weird look, probably to say 'why are you giggling?', but I ignore it and follow him silently.

We go down the stairs to the kitchen and down yet another set of stairs to the basement. It's cold down here, and covered with spider webs, meaning one thing spiders! I shiver at the thought but continue following Leo. This better be worth it.

"Are you sure you're not a murderer?" I ask, "because it kind of looks like you're taking me here to kill me..."

"Shhhh it's okay I'll make it quick," he says chuckling again adding a wink this time.

Then suddenly we are through another door and it feels like we have walked into a whole new world.

The walls were painted a dark red colour, accenting the dark grey carpet, in the middle of the room is a large grand piano surrounded in detachable speakers, and a microphone attached to the top. The room was lit by 3 hanging lights and a wall of fairylights.

"Oh. My. God." I whisper in disbelief, the room is absolutely georgous.

"I guess I should have told you I was studying music in uni huh." He said through a smile.

"How could you even afford all this! It looks like it would cost a fortune," I said.

"My dad is this big time business guy, and owns about 5 different companies..." he said quietly, like he was ashamed. I should ask him about that later.

"Whoa." Is all I could say. After a moment of staring into the sole of this piano. I feel Leo's hand slip into mine and squeeze it slightly as he says:

"Do you want to have a try?" I beamed at his words and quickly ran to the piano, although sad I left his hand, I'm ecstatic to play again.

My hands feel over the keys before starting to play my favourite song, by the one and only Tyler, the creator.

I refrain from singing as not to embarrass myself but the song doesn't even need words to sound amazing.

"Damn," was all Leo said once I finish.

"So can we still work in my resume now?" I ask and I stand up leaving the piano in all its wondrous glory.

"Sure," he says still in a daze.

"And done!" I sigh as I type the final word. "Now to send it to every place I can think of, and..." I quickly check the time in my phone, "it's not even mid day yet, I think that we can call that an accomplishment."

"Hell yeah," he says jumping up from the bed. "Alright so I have uni in an hour but I'll be home at 3 because my teacher is giving us study time."

"Well I'll see you later," I say with a small wave, hiding the sadness I got from seeing him walk out the door with a smile.

"Bye!" He calls from halfway down the stairs.

And it's time to be alone again. 

I spend the rest of the day lounging around in the back yard next to the pool, with the sun warming my skin as the cool water laps over my feet and legs. I have my phone next to me just I'm case I get an email from one of the many companies I sent my resume to.

Then after another half hour by the pool I finally hear my phone buzz. I quickly 'dry' my hands on my towel and proceed to leave small droplets of water on my phone as I unlock it.

I check my emails with a childish grin on my face, but as soon as it arrived it fell into a frown as I read the promotional email from a clothing company telling me about their sales.

Better luck next time I guess.

I wait another 20 minutes before going back inside, not wanting to be a burnt up crisp. This has to be the longest Melbourne has been sunny all at once. I swear this place is sunny one second and raining the next.

As I step foot inside the door I hear the thud of the front door closing. It must be Leo coming home. I check my watch to see it's 2:30, his lecture must have run even shorter than expected.

I turn into the dinning room from the kitchen and see a young woman around my age standing by the door.

"Hi, you must be Frankie!" She says sticking her hand in front of me. I take it in mine as I continue to examine her. She has thick dark hair that reaches just to her shoulder blades, and a smile that could light up a room. She seems extroverted and confident by the way she talks, and looks to be having the time of her life meeting me.

"Leo told me so much about you," she says calmly like it doesn't sound creepy what so ever. "Oh! And my name is Riley."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh everything in my life sucks right now I'm so sorry for taking so long to update. I went/still am going through a really hard time. I've been suffering with some mental health stuff and I've decided to write some into the book along with ways to help, just in case anyone reading needs the help. I will leave trigger warnings so don't be scared.

(Also I'm kinda basing my characters off real people, very loosely, so if you think you recognize some people and you know me that is probably why)

And as always,
Lots of love, Lily xx

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