Chapter 2 -Meeting with Dr. Purah

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Summary: Link presents his plan to Dr. Purah.

Doctor Purah, a Sheikah and the director of Hateno Ancient Tech Lab, lived atop a hill overlooking Hateno Village. Her experiments with an anti-aging rune had succeeded beyond expectations; she now appeared as an 8-year-old girl, despite being over 120 years old.

Purah and Robbie, the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab's director, were renowned experts on ancient Sheikah technology. Both had tended to Link at the Shrine of Resurrection over a century ago.

As the rain ceased, Link strolled through Hateno Village en route to his meeting with Purah. He stopped at Hylia's statue to offer a prayer, seeking success for his venture and solace for Zelda and his fallen friends. He then continued up the hill.

Link felt anxious about the meeting. Purah was known for her brusque demeanor and impatience; she preferred to devote her time to research rather than entertain interruptions. Furthermore, he worried that his ideas might be rejected.

Link's deepest desire was to reunite with Mipha, even if it meant journeying back in time. If possible, he hoped to save the four Champions, defeat Calamity Ganon, and ensure that Princess Zelda's original plan succeeded in that timeline. He would warn the Champions about their Divine Beasts' corruption and help Zelda awaken her sealing power on time. With the advantage of hindsight, they could anticipate Ganon's attack and better prepare. But if, for some reason, these goals proved unattainable, he would be content to return to the past, marry Mipha, and live the life they both desired for as long as fate allowed them.

He was no scientist and didn't understand how the Temple of Time could be made to work. And even if it was possible to do as he wished, he was unsure he would be allowed to do it. Although stories told of previous heroes using the Temple of Time to travel back and save Hyrule, those journeys were not undertaken for personal reasons. Nevertheless, Link's plan did provide a chance to save another Hyrule timeline. Ultimately, he would need Queen Zelda's approval, though.

Arriving at the lab, Link knocked and was invited inside.

"Link, punctual as ever!" Purah exclaimed. "Please, have a seat."

The room was cluttered with papers and books, and it wasn't clear where to sit. Symin noticed Link's confusion.

"Let me clear some space," Symin offered, making room for Link. "This mess is evidence of our hard work. In fact... but I should let Dr. Purah explain."

"Yes," Purah interjected. "Robbie and I have been working on a way to protect Guardians from external control like Ganon's. Robbie has long regretted not being able to help you and the Champions more, which motivated him to create ancient weapons and armor. Together, we've discussed how we could've averted the catastrophe that unfolded. I believe our new defense system will be effective. While we can't test it against Ganon directly, we can simulate a strong attack on the Guardian's control mechanism, and our defense repels those efforts. I'm very optimistic about this breakthrough."

"Dr. Purah, I don't think Link is here to discuss Guardian defenses," Symin interjected.

"No, you're right," Purah conceded. "But your arrival coincided with a good stopping point. What did you want to discuss?"

Link cleared his throat and outlined his thoughts.

"Dr. Purah, there are ancient tales of legendary heroes using the Temple of Time to visit the past and thwart Ganon's schemes. I wonder if I could do the same. By going back in time, I could alert the Champions and aid Zelda in harnessing her power. Together, we could destroy Ganon and prevent Hyrule's devastation. It seems worth considering."

"I see," Purah replied. "It's a fascinating idea. However, tampering with time is extremely risky, Link. Unintended consequences are always a concern, and though your intentions may be noble, the results may not be universally beneficial. You'll have to accept that."

Link listened intently as Purah paused.

"Despite the challenges, your idea is intriguing. The primary obstacle is activating the Temple of Time's time-travel function. Even if we succeeded, the legends suggest that only select individuals could traverse time, with the Master Sword playing a crucial role. Additionally, controlling the temporal distance could prove problematic. In one story, the hero could only travel seven years into the past or future. In another, the hero's journey through time was unpredictable. Even if we restored the temple's capabilities, there's no guarantee you'd arrive precisely 102 years in the past to alter the course of events. Furthermore, is it not possible that your plan would fail, leaving Hyrule in an even worse state?"

"It's a possibility," Link admitted. "But with my current memories intact, I could warn everyone about Ganon's plan. The Champions wouldn't be caught off guard in their Divine Beasts, Zelda would know how to invoke her sealing power, and your recent discovery might protect the Guardians from Ganon's control. Could your safeguard also work on the Divine Beasts?"

"We haven't tested it on them, but we believe it should work. However, if we intend to rely on it to save Hyrule, we must be certain of its effectiveness," Purah said.

"Testing it fully will be difficult," Symin added. "We can't simply resurrect Ganon and politely request that he attempt to take over the Guardians and Divine Beasts to gauge our defenses."

Link paused to consider their words.

"Understood. But how could things worsen if I were to go back in time? Even if we lost control of the Divine Beasts, the Champions would be alive, and we could reclaim them more easily than when I had to do it alone. And think of the lives and destruction we could prevent across Hyrule."

Purah pondered Link's proposal.

"It's an enticing idea. I'll discuss it with Robbie and see what he thinks. If he agrees that your plan has merit and we can decipher the Temple of Time's secrets, we can present our case to Queen Zelda for approval. She may have her own reservations. Our research should initially focus on Timeshift Stones, which were used by the Sheikah to manipulate local time travel. Is there anything else?" Purah inquired.

"No, that's all. Thank you for meeting with me," Link replied.

He left the lab and returned to Hateno Village, feeling satisfied with the meeting's outcome. Now he could enjoy a peaceful lunch in the village.

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