Chapter 5 - Hateno Village and Hyrule Castle

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Summary: Link returns to Hateno Village and reports to Purah on his Timeshift stone experience. He then pays a visit to Hyrule Castle to thank Zelda, stopping for a short visit with Impa on the way.

He awoke the next morning and began his journey back to Hateno Village. He was anxious to tell Purah what had happened in hopes it would further her research. So far, he hadn't noticed anything different in the present, except his sore shoulder, so with luck, the timeline was still intact, and no harm was done.

He returned to his house, freshened up, switched into the Zora armor, and headed toward the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. Purah and Symin again received him warmly.

"So, Link, tell us how the Timeshift Stone worked out for you," said Purah.

"It worked perfectly as far as I can tell," said Link. "Mipha and I were alone the whole time we were together on East Reservoir Lake. There were no interruptions by anyone else. I had a little problem controlling my emotions at the outset, and Mipha sensed things were not quite right. But in the end, she accepted me, and we got along as well as we used to."

"Given your memory issues, how do you know she accepted you as well as she used to?" asked Purah.

At this question, Link blushed red and seemed at a loss for words. Purah noticed his embarrassment.

"Never mind, I think I understand," she said, laughing. "You don't need to elaborate. But this is encouraging news, and I think it means we are on the right track. Getting the Temple of Time to work is, in principle, like turning it into a giant Timeshift Stone that encompasses all of Hyrule in its range. Not to say that it is easy, but that's the concept at least."

"So, what happens next?" Link asked.

"For you, nothing," Purah answered. "For us, it means further work on understanding this technology. By the way, I have used the connection between the Sheikah Slate and the Sheikah Towers scattered around Hyrule to check for any timeline anomalies and am pleased to say I have not detected any. Thus, it appears your visit to the past did not have any significant effect on the present. We will let you know when we have something new to report."

He could tell they were eager to resume work, so he took his leave. He would have to wait again. But at least he had some new memories to enjoy. After sleeping overnight at his house, he awoke in an optimistic mood and felt he owed Zelda his thanks for her permission to use the Timeshift Stone. He hadn't visited her in almost a month anyway, so this seemed like as good a time as any. Epona was stabled right outside his house, and after feeding and watering her, he saddled up and began the ride to Hyrule Castle.

As usual on his rides from Hateno Village to Hyrule Castle, he would break his trip at Kakariko Village to rest Epona and get something to eat. He would usually check in on Impa as well if she weren't busy. He owed Impa so much for all her guidance and assistance when he first awoke memoryless from the shrine. It was only the awkwardness with Paya that made him uncomfortable.

The ride was pleasant enough as the weather was warm and sunny, with no hint of rain. The roads were safe now, and Link relaxed in the saddle, letting Epona steer her way along at a modest pace and giving her a gentle pat of approval and affection now and then. There was no need to hurry.

Overall he thought the visit with Mipha had gone very well, but he admonished himself again for not taking more time to think it through. He was all too eager and hadn't prepared himself well enough. As usual, he had rushed ahead, recklessly perhaps, his bias being toward action. But he had learned in dealing with enemies that planning was vitally important. It was important in dealing with friends as well.

He should have done a better job keeping his emotions to himself. He nearly ruined the visit. Thank Hylia Mipha had let it all pass in the interest of being together. But after all this time thinking about her, trying every day to remember more about her, and falling back in love with her, it was a lot to ask. He usually worked hard not to show them, but he did have feelings after all.

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