Chapter 4 - Mipha

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Summary: Utilizing a Timeshift Stone, Link voyages 103 years into the past for a day with Mipha at East Reservoir Lake. Mipha senses something amiss but chooses to cherish the unexpected reunion.

Driven by anticipation, the trip back to Zora's Domain felt like an eternity. Link restrained himself from hurrying to the brink of fatigue. He opted for a less frequented path from Hateno Village through Nirvata Lake, Lanayru Bay, the Rutala River, and up the Rutala Dam to East Reservoir Lake.

Passing the vicinity of Purifier Lake, Link glanced westward and discerned the East Gate of Lanayru Road. He hadn't returned there in ages, deliberately avoiding it during his travels. It was the final place he had seen Mipha alive. Preoccupied with Zelda that day, ascending and descending Mount Lanayru, he missed the chance to converse with Mipha before the battle ensued. He pressed on towards Lanayru Bay.

Upon reaching East Reservoir Lake, Link headed for the northwest pier, which provided some cover and would be the natural location for an unexpected visit. The lake and reservoir were tranquil now, with Ruta relocated to a mountain peak and no one else in sight. Concealing the Timeshift Stone behind some pots near the pier's edge, Link hoped his sudden emergence would go unnoticed. He needed to feign this was just an unanticipated visit.

Aware that he was nearly three years older than he should be at this point in time, Link hoped Mipha would either not notice or attribute it to the stress of protecting Zelda. He also had the presence of mind not to wear his Zora Armor since he had not yet acquired it at that point. Instead, he donned his Champion's tunic, which he typically wore back then. He speculated whether the Timeshift Stone's influence would extend to Ruta on the lake, worrying that it might be impossible to attract Mipha's attention otherwise. Well, he would worry about that if it happened. Taking a deep breath, he offered a brief prayer to Hylia and activated the stone.

The transformation was immediate. The surroundings morphed, with the sun shining brightly in the clear sky. Mipha could be spotted atop Ruta's trunk in the distance. The Timeshift Stone had worked perfectly, and Link had indeed traveled over a century into the past. As he moved away from the stone and towards the pier's center, he found he couldn't control his emotions: tears welled up in his eyes.

Initially, Mipha faced the opposite direction, but soon she caught sight of Link on the pier. She called out and waved before lowering Ruta's trunk, diving elegantly into the water, and swimming his way. Leaping gracefully from the water, she landed on her feet, rushed towards him, and extended her arms for an embrace. He reciprocated hesitantly, and she stepped back.

"Your greeting wasn't the warmest, sweetheart, but this surprise visit is wonderful!" Mipha laughed. "I didn't expect to see you for another week since you were occupied guarding the Princess. It seems you couldn't resist being together after last week, and I'm so glad!"

Link realized he should have mentally and emotionally prepared himself better for this encounter. For Mipha, it was an unforeseen visit from someone she was used to seeing. But for him, it was the realization of a three-year dream he had prayed for but never thought possible. As a result, he had been overly eager to reunite with her, neglecting to brace himself for the moment.

Mipha's surprise intensified when Link failed to react to her comment about the previous week. He wasn't behaving as she had anticipated, and she couldn't pinpoint the reason. Her concern grew as she noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Link, is everything alright? Why the tears? Are you injured?" inquired Mipha.

"No, no, I'm alright, Mipha," Link replied, hastily wiping his eyes. "It's just that I've missed you. I've missed you deeply."

Seeing her in person surpassed his recollection, and the old, faded portrait on his wall failed to capture her true beauty. Her soft amber eyes, smooth red skin, and tender expression were captivating, igniting a yearning he hadn't felt in years. Overwhelmed by three years of solitude and increasingly vivid memories of her, he struggled to maintain his composure.

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