Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I had been woken up to noises going on nearby. I moved out of my hole in the tree to go see what was going on. To my shock I found a god and what look to be a nix making love on a blanket. They didn't seem to see me until the god switches positions and shows me the nix fully. The oddest thing I saw was the nix had green eyes instead of blue.

They seem to come, and the god lays his lover down before watching him fall asleep. I blinked in shock seeing the moons light shining on them a little brightly. The gods eyes turn to me and he chuckled.

"Anyone ever teach you it is rude to spy on people." It seems he knew I was there so instead of trying to hide I walked out slowly.

"I was not trying to spy... I just came to see what the noise that woke me was... I am sorry sir god..." I couldn't help the shaking, I didn't want him to have sent me back to master. The punishment I'd receive would be bad.

He seems to be watching me as he looks at my eyes then everything else. Was he not satisfied by his lover that he would try to rape me?

"What are you child? Your eyes say something else, but I sense you are something of not what your eyes say." The god spoke gentle as if not wanting to scare me anymore.

"I am a tree nymph sir..." I spoke weakly but saw his eyes widen with shock. It scared me, did master send him to find me?

"My, my. You are one hard one to find child. My sweet Raven here has been having nightmares of you since the day I was released from my prison. You are connected in ways you could not understand seeing as you have been locked away from this world for over a hundred years." The god said smiling softly.

That did not seem right, what was he talking about. I wasn't sure and didn't want to stay to find out but before I could run he spoke of something I knew only myself and three others knew. Master, the shadow guy and the man in the moon.

"Your mother was killed with you watching her die as a god killed her to get to you. One man watched from the shadows while the light of the fullest moon watched you. You are a rare one for your eyes are red instead of green. My Ravens eyes are green instead of blue. It is something that happens to all the master of elements gifts. You each are connected through ways we gods still do not understand."

He took a moment to let it all sink in before he went to continue, "Raven and I have been looking for you since the day after the fullest moon. We know you have been in pain, your powers have been screaming out to him for him to help you. He has seen it all and knows your pain. We are here to help you find your true master. The master of land."

I frowned more, I had heard master speak of the gifts and master of elements before, but I was not sure what was going on. It all seem to fake. Should I believe them.

"Come child, rest beside Raven and you will see I do not speak of lies." He moves to put a blanket over the nix he keep calling raven. I sigh, if he wanted to hurt me he would of by now, so I went over and laid under the blanket with them. Sleep came fast, and it was a dream of water crashing onto land. There near the water stood the boy raven.

"Finally, I have found you, dear nymph, I am sorry for your mother. I could do nothing for I was facing my master... but I promise I will bring you home to your true master. He will make you know what true love and care is. He is your true master. The master of land. He is the only one you are for."

I watched the nix have tears in his eyes as he moves to hold me to him. I could see the sadness and feel the pain he felt. The god was right we were connected.

"Nitesh... it's my name..." I whispered to him as he pulled back. He smiled softly as he took my hands.

"Nitesh, what a great name. means heartbeat of the earth, right?" He asks. I couldn't help but smile, and nod.

Everything started to fade away as I started to walk up. The sun was starting to rise when I woke up. The grass smelt nice and the sound of the birds nearby singing.

"Raven wake up dear." I sat up rubbing my eyes seeing the god gently waking up raven.

"Proteus his names Nitesh... We have to find him..." I could see the tears at his eyes before, I guess, Proteus pointed towards me and he turn. "Nitesh! Wait how?"

Proteus chuckled as he moved to make some food, "He saw us making love last night, it seems we had woken him up with it and he came to us."

Ravens face went so red I couldn't believe it. He moved to cover it shaking. "I told you!"

"Ah but if we had not he would not of came to us. He is here now. I know we must find his prophecy now. It will either come to us or we have to find it." Proteus gave us the food and sat down to eat. I picked at it before trying it. It wasn't bad but wasn't as good as the fruits I could find.

"Well mine fell from the moon to brothers. Maybe when the moon is up tonight we can see if it will drop his." Raven look at Proteus before turn to me with a weak smile.

I wasn't sure what was all going on here but from how they seem, they had nothing to do with master and knew more about me then I did. I guess I will stay with them for a bit.

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