Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Darkness surrounded me as I felt like everything was fading into the back of my mind. There was no pain, I wasn't even sure why I was thinking there was supposed to be. Everything was calm and settling. No pain, stress or suffering.

As the darkness stayed I felt something just wasn't right. I was missing something, what I wasn't sure. I had to be somewhere, with someone. My heart was aching as I open my eyes seeing the darkness held no light.

I tried to move however I couldn't. What was going on? Moving my hand to my chest I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. It just didn't feel right. I want to be home, wherever that is. Home.

A small sparkle of light shined near and I tried harder to move towards it. There were people waiting for me, some dear to me. I must get back, they need me. Proteus is waiting, Nitesh I am coming. When I touched the light, everything got very bright before I step out into a mountain area.

I looked around to see that it wasn't just me, but some kind of very huge snake laid nearby. Looking closer I could see it was wrapped around something.

"Raven?" I turn to the voice that spoke and saw Proteus looking at me with very widen eyes. "Oh, my lords... Your..."

I frown looking back to the snake, no Basilisk, it had to be one of them. The girl, Jade I think her name was.

"Where is Nitesh?" I asked weakly, my throat hurt as if it had been months since I used my voice. Proteus came over to hold me gently.

"He is with her, she won't let me near to try and help him. He jumped in front of her taking an arrow through his shoulder." He said it as if he was blaming himself.

I pull from his arms gently and walked towards her, she turns her head to me and watched me coiling up as if ready to attack me.

"Would you hurt Nitesh big brother? If you do he will not be happy." I touched her gently, "I just want to make sure he is okay."

She moved to allow me to look and see. I look at Proteus, "To get the arrow out I have to break it, however we will need a doctor here if we do pull it out."

He sighed, "There isn't one anywhere near and even if I could get one we are trapped right now. The shadows have the mountain surrounded."

My mind went to the dark place I was in before and took a breath before moving my hands to touch the arrow. "Burst." The arrow made small noises before it burst into small pieces falling out of his shoulder. "Rags, towels, anything to help stop the bleeding."

They passed me everything they could. We worked to stop the bleeding and try to clean the wound. Once he was finish being taken care of I laid beside him gently.

"Nitesh you have to stay with us." I held his hand shaking a little, "please..."

Proteus cleared his throat, "Uh Raven can we talk?" He seems nerves, so I watch him. He took my hint that I wasn't moving and sighed. "Do you feel different at all?"

I look to the sky before smiling softly, "I feel like I know more of my powers and stuff like that."

I don't think that was what he was looking for because he sighed and walked over kneeling beside me, his hand going to my belly.

"Baby... you have grown in this area, I think... I think your pregnant." I couldn't take my eyes off his before I turn to look at my stomach that had indeed gotten bigger. Was I pregnant? I felt something in my stomach move and gasp. Yup I'm pregnant, but how?

"Raven with child?" Hearing Nitesh's voice made me turn to him and hold his hand a little tighter.

"It seems so..." I said watching the smile cross his lips. His eyes were hardly open, I could see he was in a lot of pain.

"Congrats big brother." The tears started to fall as I watched him. He seemed so broken and weak. We don't even know if there was poison on the arrow or not.

Proteus move to bring him some water to drink slowly. "We have to be careful. He needs rest."

Jade move to curl around us all as if she was planning to keep watch while we all rested. I wasn't too sure if I trusted her or not but for now I would have to. I wasn't about to leave Nitesh without protection.

The world was in chaos around us and we are trying to bring back the balance that was taken away years go. How I wasn't too sure, but I hoped that Nitesh would see how to help his Master soon.


(Author Note- I know its not as long as the others but I am going onto the next chapter for a lot is about to happen to them and I am planning to have it around 12 to 14 chapters.)


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