Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It was hard to focus on Raven being back through the pain in my body. When I woke up I could see he was still asleep and look to his belly. I was still shocked that he was pregnant but happy for them. I could only hope we could make the world better for their unborn child.

I thought back to the dream I saw with the black mist stuff and the figure. Could they be connected to the creators? I wasn't sure, but something told me we would find out one day.

Everything felt heavy as my body seem to have vines slowly wrapping around me. It seems Proteus nor Jade could see it as they spoke a little away from us. I wasn't scared of them, they seem to be trying to show me something.

So instead of fighting it all I allowed my eyes to close and fall into a dream like state. I watched as a man stood on a cliff near grandpa.

"The creators are setting a plan to stop what is being foretold but I can't say what it is. I want you to know, if they use your line to bring something about know I will protect them when I am released one day. I will fight to the very last breath before they seal me away." The man spoke watching the sky.

Grandpa chuckled softly, "I see you have spoken with the other master's about this. Do you all plan to fight it?"

The god snort softly, "The Master of the Sea plans to go willingly. He knows more then what the rest of us does. But he refuses to tell anyone. The bastard even told me to stay near the mountains if I did not want to be seal where I could never get away from."

I frown watching them, I could not see the man just that his skin was a dark tan and his hair look like black oil going over his shoulders.

"As father of serpents I hope your kind lives long enough to bring me back. Your children deserve love." He said to grandpa. It faded to an area where the man fought the humans possessed by shadows.

"Get off me you filthy beings." He fought every step, but the shadows were winning. They all began to chant words I didn't know before a fire came from the ground and the man was pulled into it.

"Curse you shadows! I hope you all rot in hell!!"

Everything slowly changed to show what happened over the years without the Master of Land. It came to the day my parents meet and I watched them fall in love. It was beautiful, love in its purest form. It reminded me of Raven and Proteus love.

Tears welled in my eyes as I watched their relationship grow. Papa showed us love every day. When it was getting close to the end I saw finally what had really happened to papa. He stood with his brother.

"I don't care what you say brother, father picked me to take the throne. And that means my son is the rightful heir. Your daughter has claim if my son chooses to not take it."

Uncle did not seem to like that as he glared at papa. He seems like he was ready to snap any second.

"My daughter is a full blood while yours is only half, it will ruin our family line. I don't care what that stupid prophecy might say but we need a full blood leading not some half- baked brat."

Papa turn to glare at his brother, "Choose your next words wisely brother. I will not have you being rude about my child. He will be the next Basilisk king."

I felt tears at my eyes as I could see both were ready to kill each other. "Papa... no..." I held my breath when I saw a figure come behind papa and stab him. It was the shadow man, the one who brought master to me when mama was killed.

"You were taking too long so I finished it for you." The man said smirking. I could see papa coughing up blood. "If your brother vanishes, you are king yes?"

Uncle laughs at papa, "I don't you the world is changing those with power get what they want. I warned you not to trust me. Now by tomorrow night, your wife will be dead, and your child broken."

I tried to reach for papa, but it faded to the night mama died. I wanted it all to stop. I didn't want to see all of this. Make it all stop. I don't want to see it again!

Everything faded to blackness as the black mist form a figure but as before I could not see them. But I could hear a voice. It sounded weird as if it was more than one person speaking.

"Where the fire does not stop burning is where the seal is laid. Once broken the next will start to weaken enough for you to find the next gift. Remember this child. No matter the cost finds all and bring the darkness back to its light."

I was not sure what that was suppose too mean, but I went to touch the figure, "Who are you? Why can I see you but no one else?"

It seems to smile, I don't know how I knew it was. "We will meet again, in the future, just know we are all connected to the creators. But some of us have futures we can't escape from. So, they try to change it themselves. If destroying everything could change one's fate, then many of done so years ago however it is always the same. No one can escape their fate."

I frowned as everything faded away and I woke up still wrapped in the vines. The only thing different was I was not hurting anymore. All the pain I had felt before was gone. I pushed my way out of it and look around see everything was still the same.

Raven was asleep still so id wait until he woke to tell him what I saw.

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